Where Is She

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It didn't take long for us to get back to Roman's mansion. I tried to tell him I wasn't trying to escape that I had just thought I'de seen something, I was only mistaken, but he wasn't buying it. He dragged me to the house and took me down a hallway I had not yet explored, he came to a stop out front of a door and grabbed some keys out of his pocket, he fumbled with them before picking one and shoving it in the key hole. The door clicked open and he pushed me inside. He flicked a switch and a light came on, exposing what was hiding in the darkness. In the right corner of the room laid what was left of a female. A small thin mattress on the cold stone floor was accompanied by a bucket and a single blanket. She looked to be dead but to my surprise once the light came on she began to stir.

She looked up from her bed and made eye contact with us, I stepped back slowly, scared by her deathly looking appearance, she was just skin and bone, it didn't make sense she was still alive. Roman pushed me towards her "Take a close look." He said before walking ahead of me and over to the girl "This was my girl Diamond, she was a bad girl and tried to stab one of my clients and escape out a window." He knelt down to the girl.

She began to groan and moan his name, her arms outstretched and reaching for his clean polished shoes. He stood back from her with a look of disgust "She's been pumped full of heroin for the past 8 months, just enough to get her addicted to the shit and then just like that the drug is gone and she goes into withdrawals, at first everything will start to ache, every bone in your body feels like someone's hands are around them and they're using all their strength to try and break them in half. Your muscles are starting to twitch involuntarily. These contractions continue, contracting and twitching. Not only that, your muscles in your body feel bruised like you've been kicked over and over again. But, then you'll start to feel nauseous, you will need to throw up all the time. Throwing up until there's nothing left to throw up. Dry heaving. You'll endure that until your eyes are watering and your throat is sore and if you could feel your stomach muscles amidst the pain of the withdrawal, they'd hurt so badly because of the contractions it takes to throw up everything in your stomach. You have no appetite at all. Looking at food will literally make you sick to your stomach, although your withdrawal has already made that your reality. You won't be hungry for days."

I stared at her in complete disturbance, how could he toy with someone like that. She began to beg him "Please...please...give it to me...please...heroin." Her words were muffled as her face was pressed against her mattress as she pleaded with him.

"She has a few more days max and then she will be put out of her misery." He casually said as he walked over to me. Obviously amused by the reaction he was getting out of me "Now, do you still want to run away?"

I looked at him, complete disgust in my eyes "I do not." I simply said before turning away from the shattered girl in the room and walking out the door.

Roman walked out the door, turning to lock the door closed behind him. He turned to face me as I stood lent against the wall in the hallway trying to collect everything I had just witnessed. He walked over to me and gripped my arm "Now, you're coming with me." He growled as he began to pull me down the hall.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused as I stumbled behind him.

"You'll see." He said calmly "You didn't really think I wasn't going to reprimand you for your behavior earlier did you?" He chuckled softly now.

"Wait no, please, you don't have to, I know what to expect, I won't do it again." I pleaded with him as he ignored me and kept his hand tight around my arm.

He barged through a large set of doors which opened up into a room that looked like something out of a Gothic palace. The room was painted in a dark crimson red with black trimmings, dark grey carpet and a big Victorian bed took the center of attention in the room with multiple furnishings surrounding it. He pushed me into the room, locking the door behind him. A heavy sensation formed in the pit of my stomach and I dreaded what was to come next...he was going to rape me. He grabbed me tightly and pushed me onto the bed, his tight grasp leaving red marks on my arms.

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