Chapter 20

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I'm baaaaaaaaack~ I decided to reread this series a few years later and I'm not surprised to find that I still love it just as much as before. It took me a while to figure out where I was going with this story because I don't remember most of what I had going on, but I think I've got it now after reading through the cringe lol


I pant, placing my hands on my knees and looking around. I haven't been here in a long time. Dibe comes up behind me, asking, "what do you want to do? Should I leave or should I help? Do you need training?"

I debated in my head for a few seconds. I wanted to test how rusty I'd gotten, but then I'd have to give a lame excuse about why he needed to leave me alone. On the other hand...

He must've seen a mischievous glint in my eye, because he held up his hands, "Whoa, whoa, it looks kind of like you still want to do that 'beating my ass' thing." He looked amused while speaking, but half a second after he finished his sentence his grin faltered, and in his eyes I could see the same look of remorse he had earlier.

However, his assumption was rather off the mark, showing him that had more than just 'a little' training was the last thing I wanted to do. Maybe... I could show him that I was harmless and he'd finally stop bothering me, seeing as he kept thinking I had some sort of ulterior motive.

Well, maybe I did but that only consisted of getting in Dimitri's pants.

"Well... if you think I'm so experienced, why don't you give me some 'training' and find out?"

He tensed, for a reason unknown to me, but I didn't think much of it. Maybe he still thought I wanted to try and beat him up. He seemed to force a smile with the next sentence, "My 'training' is harsh. I don't know if you could handle it."

I was slightly confused at his sudden change of mood, but I also sensed a challenge in those words. "Are you insinuating that I'm weak?"

"Well, according to you, Miss Rosilisa, us guardians 'must suck now'."

"So you're trying to put me in my place."

"Of course not, I'd just like to show you the other side of things."

"And honestly, I don't really want to see it." I wasn't sure why, but this Dibe was making me uncomfortable. And I didn't like it one bit. "You know what? I think I won't be training after all. Have a nice life." I spun on my heel, walking right into another body.

My mood shot up. "Darling! I'm so sorry, I got lost trying to find the washroom." I reached up to peck him on the lips, which he didn't refuse, but his expression was not happy. I frowned, "what's wrong?"

He glanced at the guardian, who had resumed a stone faced appearance and, once Dimitri had turned to face him, nodded respectfully. "Lor-" He was cut off by a sharp look from Dimitri.

I glanced between the two of them, confused at the way the guardian has addressed Dimitri and confused at Dimitri's upset demeanour.

"Come on Rosilisa," Dimitri, said, putting emphasis on my fake name.

I followed him as he turned to head back, frowning as I did. Why was he being so... obvious? This was so unlike him, because I knew how good he was at putting on façades.

"Why," his cold voice cut through my thoughts. "Were you with him? I thought you said you wanted to stay away from him."

I was confused. Why was he so upset about this? "What, you jealous?" I teased. His lack of response gave me the answer I needed. My mood soured. "Dimitri, I don't know why you keep thinking there's anyone in my heart other than you. I'm telling you right now, I love you, Dimitri Belikov—comrade. I always have, I always will."

Dimitri looked away from me with, what I suspected was, bashfulness. Or perhaps he was simply touched. Either way, I decided not to tease him about it. All I wanted was for him to understand how much I loved him.

Finally he spoke, "I love you too, Rose." His words made me happy, but somewhat puzzled me. And I couldn't put my finger on it. Either way, I didn't think he doubted me anymore. I gave him a small smile as we headed back to our room, no more words exchanged between us.

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