I Got Tagged (outdated)

212 6 71

Sorry if you wanted a oneshot but hope you enjoy anyways I was tagged  _Crimson14_ 

1) Full name: Ayla Erin Arialle Johnston don't bother googling it

2) Favorite Songs: Way too many, here's a link to my youtube account just look at my playlists https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd1VE8QHAc6jShMRn9U5oGA

3) Favorite Colour: Black, pink, red/blood, violet, blue, green

4) Dislikes: Loud environments, humanity as a whole (not individuals), orange, yellow, loud dogs, dark = bad light = good, racism, sexism, religion (I don't dislike someone if their a theist) etc

5) Likes: Cats, horror, GSA (gay straight Alliance), having Asperger syndrome, Yoai, Yuri (even if I'm straight), making my own toys, anime, Creepypastas etc

6) Favorite food: steamed broccoli, ice cream, popcorn

7) Favorite drink: Milk, 7up, water(?), tea

8) Crush: Eyeless Jack, and a bit on Dark Link

9) Who keeps bugging you: Michaels (the store) with emails

10) OTP: Slenderman x Bloody Mary, Dark Link x Jeff the Killer both because why not, and Hoodie x Masky

11) Grade: 8 in Canada

12) Favorite fanfic: System overload

13) Best Friends: @NaLuRPGAnimeniax  @Psycho_Demonic  @MorphingBlastoise95, @OrangeJuice362 (Because of how nice they are to me)

I'm tagging my best friends

Creepypasta & LoZ Yaoi (Oneshots) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now