Everyone was silent, even the drunk of their asses humans were shocked sober and pissing their pants. Waiting with baited breath for Eddie to be slaughtered right there, right now. And I was honestly expecting it... just wished I had some popcorn...

But Tyler shoved the Beta down on his back in the dirt before stepping away to pull his mate into his arms again, whispering soothing words only they shared. Ed seemed to have gone into shock until Austin growled menecingly enough it had him shuffling up onto his feet, sputtering nonsense as he stumbled away and into the woods.

"That, kind of, turned me on" I mused blinking and slowly biting into a pink marshmallow staring at the spot where the scene had taken place.

The tension seemed to vanish at that, some laughing at my comment making me smirk. I had some awesome powers. The mighty Baker could make people go from shitting themselves with fear to shitting themselves with laughter.

Moments later everyone went back to whatever they were doing sprawled out around the bondfire before the song started playing. Both Austin and I jumped up and yelled "this is my jam!" Making us grin widely at each other, tripping over the log together to get to some open space with Justin and Troy laughing after us "ready old man?" I challenged Austin who copied my grin smugly.

"I was born ready, babe" We shared a high five and immediately fell into the setting of the song of Panic! At the Disco - I write sins not tragedies . Our steps matched insync as we danced a routine we had come up with when this song released. Troy soon jumping in following our steps since he had watched us doing this countless times.

Everyone around us laughed at the silly dance but I couldn't help but just grin in ultimate happiness. Once the song was over Troy pulled me to the bondfire looking at his watch before giving me a grin.


I gave a nod and sunk to my knees at the base of the fire. Clasping my hands together and saying the prayer my father and the father before he said to the goddess on their 18th birthdays. A thank you for the goddess and sharing her gift with us. Allowing us to be both man and animal.

And as I sat and prayed I felt it...

A wiggling in my chest, like something was trying to get comfortable. Like an animal walking in circles before laying down getting ready to sleep.

I seemed to have fallen into a trance, black surrounded me before a pair of yellow eyes opened in the black blanket and stared straight at me. Lifting his head slowly, with a slow blink. Before he suddenly jumped up, coming into full view. A beautiful wolf, my wolf. His ears twitched before he started to chase his tail in a circle for a few spings only to stop and throw his head back howling, the sound settling in my very soul. He shook out his fur "finally!" He laughed out and turned to me.

It looked like he was grinning, his tongue fell out of his mouth and his fluffy tail wagged behind him before he aproached me with yellow eyes that glimmerd in the dark "hello Baker. Great to finally meet my host! I'm your wolf, call me whatever you like! Just not something stupid..." He greeted but in a voice that wasn't like mine though.

Deeper, more mature though he still glowed with the happiness of a child and it made me warm all around. Inside and out. Sucking in a deep breath I opened my eyes as the trance faded, looking into the fire.

A slow grin took my face and bowed low, my forehead touching the heated ground before I jumped up and grabbed Troy by the neck howling up into the air, everyone following suit. Even the humans tried to howl, drunk off their asses.

Troy laughed with me as the howling died down, eyes shining as I bumped our heads together only to be pulled away and thrown up with a yelp falling into Austin's hold before we tumbled to the ground, immediately starting to wrestle together.

My Uncle My Mate (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ