A/N: Facebook Page!

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Hey guyssss.

So, since I've started my YouTube channel up again and I've been more active on Wattpad recently, I've created a Facebook page for y'all to message me and help me with stuff, as well as keep up with stuff I'm doing! (Super specific, I know XD)

Anyways, I'd love it if you guys would like it and comment on some posts! Your support means everything to me ^_^

This is the link: https://www.facebook.com/MostlySleepDeprived/

You might have to copy paste that actually, does Wattpad let you link things? I don't even know XD Anyways, thanks so much! Love you all! (I'll be posting this on all my other books as well, so if you get the same notification, just ignore it lol)


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