"What do you have?" 

"Hmm how about Aladdin? Plus its rated G so Daisy could watch it." Fizzy said. 

"Sounds good." Niall said, "We're watching Aladdin Lou!" He called out. Louis yelled back an OK and Niall settled himself in the sofa. Louis walked back to them with a bowl of popcorn and handed some to Niall before taking 2 for himself. 

"Hey who was watching Safe Haven?" Fizzy asked. Louis blushed and remembered the night where he and Harry were cuddling and watching Safe Haven.

"Um Harry." 

The two girls and Niall turned to Louis and looked at him confused.

"Well er.. Harry wanted to watch Safe Haven when he came over so we watched it."

Niall smirked and Fizzy just rolled his eyes.

"Is Harry that nice handsome guy?" Daisy asked and Louis blushed again mentally saying a yes.

"Lets watch the movie." Niall said and Fizzy turned the TV on and set up the movie and walked over to the sofa and settled herself next to Daisy. 

The movie started and Louis couldn't help but remember the night when him and Harry were cuddling to the extreme. He started blushing and remembered how soft Harry's skin was. He sighed and watched the movie with thoughts of the younger boy running in his head. 


Two hours later, the sun had set and Harry arrived the place where the festival was taking place. He checked his watch and bit his lip. Louis wasn't here yet and he was worried that Louis had forgotten, but said that was stupid because he was here for Liam. Niall told him everything. 

"Hey babe." Harry quickly turned around and faced a smirking Louis. 

"H-hey." Harry said nervously. Louis smirked even more and walked over the shy boy and kissed his cheek. Louis' lips lingered a bit and then he pulled away. 

Harry blushed even more and ran his hand through his hair. Before Harry would say another world, Niall came up to them. 

"Hey Harry!" Niall pulled him into a hug and Harry noticed Louis' facial expression changed, but brushed it off.

"Hey Niall, so where's Liam?" Niall pulled away and smiled. 

"He's not here yet. He's still getting ready." 

"Same for Zayn. He's really excited and wanted to look nice." 

Niall laughed, "Well it is their first date." 

"True, love boys." Harry and Niall both laughed and Louis just looked at them blankly. He was not liking this.

He cleared his thoat and both boys stopped laughing.

"So shall we proceed?" 

"Yeah lets go!" Niall said and ran off to a booth, followed by Louis and Harry.

"He's really cool." Harry said and Louis frowned, but didn't say anything.

"You know he was straight then I would go out with him." 

Louis frowned even more. He was hurt that Harry was talking about another boy to him.  They reached the booth and played a game where they had to throw a ball at a lighter and the person to win would earn a prize. It was Louis against Niall. 

"Hey Harry I am going to win you that panda." Niall said pointing to a purple panda. Harry smiled which angered Louis. He was going to win that for Harry not Niall. 

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