Everyone oohed and awed seemingly with the exception of Reiner who let out a sniff.

"Reiner, are you crying?" Armin asked.

"No!" Reiner quickly wiped his tears away. "I'm just so manly that my eyes sweat!"

"Yeah right," Armin murmured.

"Heck, yeah!" Sasha exclaimed before running over to hug Connie.

Reiner let out a loud sob, grabbing a tissue to wipe away his tears. "Man These eye exercises I'm doing right now are really making me break a sweat," he gasped between loud, gross sobs.

In response, Bertolt handed Reiner a pair of glasses. Reiner stared the glasses before looking up at Bertolt, confused.

"Why did you give me glasses?" Reiner asked.

"So you can see how you aren't fooling anyone," Bertolt stated.

"That was next level savage," Armin said. He seemed impressed.

"Personally, I feel attacked," Reiner stated.

"No one cares, dipshit," Annie uttered.

"I wonder how the prom committee is doing right now," Armin said to himself.

- meanwhile -

"I'm sorry but why the fuck are the decorations shit?" Christa asked.

"We're on a budget," Mina stated.

"We'll try to make it look like we're not on a budget!" Christa shouted.

"Yes, mam," Mina squeaked before quickly walking away.

"You're scaring them," Ymir said as she leisurely leaned against the wall.

"If you don't help me, I'm taking back by promposal," Christa threatened.

Immediately, Ymir rushed to aid Thomas in blowing up balloons.

"Guys, we have seven hours until prom!" Marco announced. "We're making this worth it, or it's gonna be absolute cow turd- why on earth is the chocolate fountain pouring out green chocolate?"

- at prom -

"This music is trashy as shit," Levi spat. "Who actually listens to this stuff?"

"LOOKA DA FLICKADATWRIST! LOOKA DAT FLICKADATWRIST!" Erwin chanted along with the song as he got turnt.

"Figures," Levi sighed.

"This music is so loud, it's at a decibel level that could kill birds and other small creatures!" Hanji screamed over the DJ.

"Who is the DJ anyway?" Levi asked.

They glanced up at the turn table to see Mr. Pixis, their almost-to-the-retirement-age band director, dabbing to the music.

"That's it, I'm leaving the dance floor," Levi stated. He immediately turned around to safety.

"Wait! Levi!" Hanji called after him. "I wanted to get turnt like Erwin!"

~ at the chocolate fountain ~

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