Lights Camera Action! Pt. 2

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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in which the creatures and characters of fairytales lived. There were always happy endings until one day...

"Why grandma, what a big nose you have!" Sasha exclaimed.

"The better to smell you with my dear," said Annie wearing wolf ears.

"My grandma, what big teeth you have!"

"The better to tear your flesh from your bones my dear!" Annie squeaked.

"Oh no you don't!" Sasha took a broom and drove away the wolf.

The Short Badass Annie scurried on it's way into the forest where she saw three houses, one made of straw, sticks, then brick. Annie was able to huff and puff and blow the first two houses down, but the piggies scattered and ran to the brick house which proved to a a great challenge.

Annie sighed as she walked on. Suddenly, a light ascended from the sky.

"I heard the sound of distress and loneliness," A man with fairy wings said in an apathetic voice. "The fuck do you want?

"To eat things," Annie stated just as apathetically. "Fairytales don't work in my favor for some reason."

"Well," Levi said, "It's because you are a bad guy, and bad guys don't win. So go cry in your little dirt hole you furball."

And with that, the majestic fairy godmother floated away. Suddenly there was a lightning flash and Mikasa, the evil queen appeared in front of Annie.

"I. Hear. You. Want. It. The. Evil. Way?" Mikasa said. "Boom. Dark. Magic. Watch. It. All. Go. To. Hell."

Suddenly, the wind started to blow and a grand storm cloud rose upon Fairytale Land. Annie looked up towards the sky, hoping this would bring more hope for her furry future.


"Boo hoo," Eren cried. "I'm sad."

Levi, being the good fairy godmother she- er... HE is, flew towards poor Cindereren.

"The fuck do you want?" Levi asked.

"All I want is to go to the ball and meet Prince Charming," Eren pouted.

"Well bibbity bobbity boo, bitch. You are in a beautiful dress," Levi stated. "By the way, you won't be able to meet the prince because my fairy godmeter says that evil is starting to take over the land and I am losing power." Levi sighed. "Ahhhh. I'm dying. By the way, Prince ChArmin decided to go to a different fairytale."

"NOOO!" Eren dramatically shouted towards the sky.


Sasha Red Riding Hood was skipping merrily through the woods. Suddenly, Prince ChArmin appeared out of nowhere.

"Excuse me, but is this the fairytale where there's that really pretty girl that needs to be saved by the prince?" Armin asked.

Sasha stared blankly at the prince. "You've got to be more specific."

"I'm just tired of my fairytale," Armin sighed.

"Well so am I," Sasha sat on a rock. "It's no fun skipping around the woods alone. Bertree is literally my only friend. Right Bert?"

Bertree nodded.

"Yeah," Sasha smiled. "Oh no! Its the big bad wolf! Again!"

"Again?" Armin asked. However, he barely had time to turn around before he was glopmed by Annie. "Oh no! It appears as if I am being eaten!"

When The Short Badass Annie finished her meal, Sasha Red shook in terror.

"Don't eat me!" Sasha shivered.

"I'm too full to eat you," Annie sighed.

"Phew!" Sasha said with relief.

"But what the hey?" Annie shrugged. "Why not?"


And they lived happily ever after



Mr. Mitchell, the film teacher stared at the finished product. "Nanaba and Mike... That was absolutely atrocious."

"We know," Nanaba nodded.

"My eyes are bleeding from how terrible it was," Mr. Mitchell added.

"So are mines," Mike replied.

"And you even spelled 'end' wrong," Mr. Mitchell went on.

"It was late at night," Nanaba uttered.

"But I really don't care where you kids end up in life so I'm giving you an A," the teacher stated as he walked away.

"I'm so glad we have the lazy teacher," Nanaba whispered to Mike, who high-fived her.



Note to self: don't watch another horror movie...

That's a big ass lie. Haha haha haa..... prepare my coffin in case of a heart attack.

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