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"Hope for the best, expect for the worst."
Chapter 7: Two Worlds, One Destiny
"Alexia! Quick! Go to my room and hide! Don't get out until I say the otherwise. Do you understand? Go!" I said quickly to Alexia. If Ian finds out that she's here, the game will be over before it begins. She nodded and ran to my room.
"Dylan! I know you're there! Don't make this any harder!" Ian shouted. I took a deep breath and opened the door calmly.
"What's wrong Ian? What are you doing here?" I said trying to sound surprised. He pushed the door and got inside without being invited.
"You know exactly what I'm doing here. Don't play dumb to me!" He shouted.
"I certainly don't understand a word you're saying." I continued to play dumb.
"I'm talking about Alexia, you idiot! I know you're hiding her!" He grumbled.
"Alexia? The girl you want to kill? Why would I hide her?" I said.
"You should know the reason not me. Now give her back!"
"She's not here Ian."
"Of course she's! How can she just disappear unless you help her?"
"Has she disappeared?"
"Yes! And I'm asking you where is she?!"
"I don't know Ian! Don't he so paranoiac! She probably escaped to the farthest place from you. Why would she come here, she doesn't even know me!" I snapped. It must have worked because I saw his expression turning from angry to perplexed. He took a few steps back towards the door.
"I'm leaving you for now Dylan. But, I'll be watching you and if I see anything suspicious and her even 50 km around you, I'll so torture you that you'll beg for your own death!" He said.
"Goodbye now Ian." I said and opened the door for him. He slammed the door after he left. I sighed. I saw Alexia coming down the stairs. I couldn't read the expression on her face. Was it grief? Anger? Hatred? Or regret?
"Alexia, don't-" she cut me off.
"No, Dylan. This is all wrong. I shouldn't be here. I can't do this to you." She said. I can't let her go. She's my last chance. Besides, she can never manage it without me.
"We have talked this before Alexia. It's a risk I want to take. I don't care what happens to me."
"You don't understand! It's my fight! I've given up everything pleasant in my life just to be perfect enough to kill him! I may be blind out of my hatred but not that blind to watch you die while you didn't do anything wrong! You're innocent, I'am not! It should be me who gets hurt, not the people around me, not anymore.." Her voice cracked as she spoke, then I see the tears rolling down on her face. I hugged her. Suddenly, I knew what the problem was, she didn't want any more casualties because of her neglect, just like she did to her parents. She didn't want to live such a thing again. She already prepared herself for death, she was trying to protect me.
"I-i..." She sobbed.
"Shhh... I'll help you Alexia, I promised you. And it won't be like your parents' case. I swear." I looked at her with sympathy. I saw the gratitude in her eyes.
"Thank you."
"Always. As long as we're together, they can't hurt us." I said and kissed her forehead.
"Together." She confirmed and let go of me.
"Go, get some sleep Alexia. I'll be here when you wake up." She nodded and left the room. It has been an exhausting day for both of us. I laid on the sofa to regain my strength and I let my eyes close.
"Dylan! Come eat your lunch!" I heard my mom screaming from down stairs.
"I'm coming mom!" I shouted back. I slowly made my way to the kitchen. Luckily Michael wasn't here. We could actually eat a peaceful lunch. I must have jinxed myself because that moment the door opened and Michael came, he was drunk. Oh no!
"W-here is my meal?!" He slurred.
"It's here Michael." My mom said with a trembling voice. She was afraid, of course. You'd be afraid too if your second husband was beating you to death. Michael Consenza was my mom's second husband. After my dad died, my mom married him. She did her life's biggest mistake. Everything was fine for a few months after their marriage but then he changed.
My mom learned that he was a gangster and wanted a divorce but he wouldn't let her because he was afraid that she'd go to police. So every night he came home drunk, beating my mom -if I try to stop him, even me- and threatening her, killing both her and me. I couldn't do anything, it was killing me! Sitting there and watch him beating my mom.
I so hoped that he would get killed in his 'business' but instead it was my mom who left us. 'Mr. Consenza' refused to take care of me and if I was useless to him, he will send me to where my mom went. Since he discovered that I was good at computers, he was using me. I couldn't refuse his offer otherwise I'd be dead too. Now, just like Ian and the others I was a puppet. They were too dumb to see it but I knew it. Alexia is my last chance. She could actually free me and save us all. She needs me as much as I need her.
"Mom! No! You can't leave me!"
"Dylan! I-" Then, she left me forever.
I screamed and woke up. I was short of breath. Alexia rushed towards me.
"What happened Dylan?! Are you OK?" She asked.
"Calm down. I'm okay. Thanks."
"Then why did you scream?"
"I had a nightmare." I said sheepishly. Her stares softened. She sat beside me.
"Do you want to tell?"
So, I began to tell everything from the beginning, how he became my step-father, how he had beaten my mom and caused her death. Her eyes began to shine in fear.
"That's why you want to kill him." She decided. I nodded. She gave me a reassuring squeeze.
"We're gonna kill him together Dylan. Don't worry." She said and then to change this atmosphere she added,
"So actually you're his step son. What an irony." Then she gave a small giggle. It was the first time I saw her smiling, I mean, a real smile. She was beautiful. I joined her.
"Okay. That's enough fun we had. Now go to sleep. You'll need it."
"Okay, but will you be good?" She said, concerning my nightmare.
"Sure, Alexia. You know what I told you, don't worry about me I'm not worth it believe me." I said with a sigh.
"No! Dylan don't talk like that. If it weren't for you, I would never be able to survive. You're not worthless at all. For all my life i had walls, trust issues. How wouldn't I? While everybody is trying to kill me? But you came and proved me that not all people are wicked, some are good hearted like you. " She said. I didn't want to argue. How would I? She had all her trust in me. And I've decided to worth her trust.
I kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes. Who knows, maybe a bright future is waiting for us. But first, Mr. Consenza needs to get out of our way. I tucked her in the bed and sat in front of my computer, it was time to do some work.
I opened my computer and changed my IP address, not to be recognized by the other techs of Mr. Consenza. I now was using the program he taught me to track -you might actually say stalk- people's whereabouts. I entered Mr. Consenza's phone number. No! The number is inactive. He must have changed it.
This time I tried Mr. Consenza's third bodyguard. He wasn't needed when he got the first two, Marc and Antonio but he keeps the other one just in case. So I was guessing that those two changed their number but the third guy must have forgot it or he wasn't told to do so. I entered the number. Bingo! It worked! The number is active and is on the move right now. To... To... South Dakota? What is he doing there?
Oh my... He's heading to the reservations. What was it? Rose Bud reservations! Clever! He found a perfect disguise! Indians? That would be the last thing I would think. Could it be a trap? Even if it's a trap, we have to seize this chance. It's the closest clue I can find about his whereabouts. Alexia will be pleased.
I printed out the map. Tomorrow we hit the roads!
I woke up, suddenly feeling alert. Then, I relaxed on knowing that I'm safe here with Dylan. Without wasting any time, I run to the living room. I was really wondering Dylan's plan. But he was sleeping. So sweetly! To show my thanks, I decided to prepare a breakfast for him. Clumsy me! Before even starting to prepare it, I broke the plate! On hearing the sound, Of course, Dylan woke up.
"Alexia?! Are you OK?" I saw him grabbing the knife that was on the table.
"Yes, Dylan. Don't worry." I said but I couldn't stop myself from laughing.
"What are you going to do Big Boy? Are you going to kill someone with that knife?" I teased.
"Yes, if it needs be, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you." He said and hugged me. I was startled, was it my coward Dylan? Before I could react, he continued.
"So what happened? Is it the plate?" I let it go.
"Yes, I was trying to prepare breakfast for us but broke the plate." I said with a sad voice.
"Aww. That's very thoughtful of you Alexia. But we don't have time for this. Look." He said handing me a piece of paper. It was a map. A map to find Mr. Consenza! He did it! It was me this time who hugged him. He hugged back.
"Come on Ms. Fire, you can thank me on the road. We got a long way to go." He said, brushing a piece of hair from my face.
"Okay. Let's go! It has been days since I killed someone, can't wait!" As soon as I said it, Dylan started to look at me unbelievably. I laughed.
"Pika boo! That's my Dylan! Just kidding honey!" I said. He smiled back.
"You'll pay it Alexia! I was thinking of letting you sleep more while I drive. But now, I will sleep and you'll drive!" He said and threw me the keys.
"No! Come on Dylan! I love sleeping." I protested.
"Too bad. You missed your chance baby." He said. Then, the levity was gone. Ironically, I remembered the first day on my 'ex-team'. Brian had called me Baby and I kicked him hard. What is Brian doing now? Is he planing to kill me as well? I missed him. Also, why wasn't I doing the same to Dylan now?
" Alexia? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Dylan poked me, suddenly alert. He must have realized that I dozed off. But I wasn't going to tell him about my worries. That would only make him worry too. We don't need that. The sooner we manage this, the better.
"No, it's nothing Dylan. Come on get in the car or I will leave without you." I said and put on my fake smile. He didn't seem convinced, he didn't buy it. It would actually be better to leave without him but he would follow me no matter what it takes. He would even hitchhike.
"Okay." Meanwhile we took off, -he had already placed my guns and knives to the luggage.
"You know that you must be very very careful about Mr. Consenza, right Alexia?"
"Yes, thanks Dylan."
"I know him better than anyone. It won't be easy Alexia. You must be prepared for the worst." What does he mean?
"There'll be no worst, okay Dylan? We'll finish it." I said, suddenly suffocated by the thought of losing Dylan.
"But if it happens-" I cut him off because even the thought of it makes me give up on this job,
"No! Nothing will happen! Now, go to sleep." I said.
"Okay, Alexia. But remember that he's very clever, even the reservations show that." Then, he dozes off while I still drive. But, he doesn't know that I don't fear Mr. Consenza -ok, maybe a little but that's negligible- it's Ian who I fear. Because I know him -cold blooded, sly Ian. He must have planned at least 100 different ways of killing me by now. I was too emotional, but not now. I can't let anything distract me. Then I hear my old mentor's -who had helped me back in Africa- voice in my head, 'Love is for weak. If you care, you lose.'
Whoah!!! An exciting chapter! next chapter is the breaking point!!!!! Big things to come! 😲
Thanx guys for the reads but please vote also????
+2 Votes for next chapter!

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