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Chapter 3: Mr. Alfredo Morris

"So the guys's name is Alfredo Morris. He's 41 and he runs the Morris Company. We know that he's extremely rich and he is able to out-power Mr. Consenza. He needs to be eliminated." Max briefed us. That what they always did. If someone is a threat, you need to destroy them. Just like they did to my parents.

"What time is the meeting?" Ian asked.

"8.00 p.m." Brian said from the rear seat, he was wearing a black suit. I was siting with Brian, Max and Ian were on the front seat.

"Feeling any excitement Alexia?" Ian asked from the front seat.

"Why would I feel so?" I answered back.

"It's your first mission and you aren't killing anyone, how does it make you feel?" He teased.

"Oh, I'm not excited at all Ian. 'Cause I'm probably more experienced than any of you. But thanks for asking. It's very kind of you." I said and smiled falsely. If I want, I can be more annoying than even him. He turned and started watching the road without saying anything else.

Brian poked, I turned to him and we started to laugh.

"OK. That's enough fun you had. We have 5 minutes to go. Is everyone aware of what they're going to do?" Max said.

"Yesss! Max! We know you told it like thousand times!" Ian shouted.

"Is that so Mr. I know Everything? Then tell me about our plan!" Max said.

"Brian is going to meet the guy now. Then, he'll put soporific in his drink. As soon as he goes to sleep, I'll come and kill him with a knife -not to make sound. Meanwhile Steve will infiltrate Company's main frame and cause the company to collapse in days because of debts. So there'll be a split second of black out in the company, that's my and Brian's only chance to flew. Because the computer system had collapsed, they can't prove Brian's meeting with Mr. Morris, so win win!!" He explained. It was a clever move but my plan will outwit them. That split second is enough for me to put my plan in action.

"OK everyone! We're here!" Max shouted as if we were hundred miles away from him.

"Stop shouting Max! We're right next to you!" Ian said as if he was reading my mind.

"Sorry. I'm a bit nervous about it." he said and had a quick look at me.

"Don't tell me you're excited! It's your hundred mission!" Ian complained. I knew that he was excited because of me, he didn't know how I'd react in such missions and as a control freak it was killing him. Well, I'm sorry Max, I'm gonna screw your plan.

"Yeah I know." He sighed.

"Let's get started. Brian you're going now and meeting the guy. I'll be sitting here and listening your actions through the device in your collar and when it's the time I'll send Ian to finish him. Alexia, you'll stay with me and watch it all carefully, copy?" he said.

"Copy." three of us said simultaneously. Brian left the car. Now all I needed to do was to take care of Max.

"Test, Brian, do you hear me?" Max talked to the microphone.

"Yep, I'm heading to the 6th floor now. Morris's office is the second one from the left." Brian replied.

"Good. Now remember you have exactly 20 minutes to put soporific to man's drink and defuse him. Do you understand 20 minutes, no more or no less, after that there'll be the black out OK?" Max said. I looked at my wrist watch. It was 8 p.m. so I need to take action on 8:15 p.m. before Ian. Ok, it was enough for me. I hope Brian doesn't screw it up.

"Okey Dokey. I'm going inside, is the camera on?" Brian whispered.

"Yes. Go ahead, good luck." Max said reassuringly. Just then SUV's camera was on and we could see Brian clearly.

It was my time, I needed to put Ian out of the action. It all happened in a split second. I took out the pipe I was hiding in in my leather jacket and quickly bashed Ian's head. He fainted. Max's eyes were wide open but I had no intention of hitting him, he needs to see me in action.

"Watch me well Max. I'm going inside." I said and left the car. I could hear him shouting my name but he couldn't do anything, he wasn't the killer and the only man who could kill Morris was sleeping, he had no choice but letting me do the job.

I made a dash to the elevator and checked my gun. Now all I needed to do was to wait for the black out. I waited in front of Mr. Morris's office, I could hear Brian talking to him, oh just put the soporific already! Stupid guy didn't put any bodyguards in front of the office. Suddenly the voices stopped. I knew it was the time, and the electricity went of. I broke the door and went inside. Mr. Morris was unconscious.

"Alexia? What are you doing here? what happened to Ian? What's ..?" I ignored Brian's questions and took out my gun and shot the guy twice. Brian was looking at me, dumbfounded. I pulled his arm and we ran to the back door before the security cameras saw us.

"You are nuts Alexia, you know that? Only God knows what you did to Ian? What about Max? what-?"

"Oh! will you shut up Brain! You get on my nerves and don't worry Max and Ian is just fine look they're waiting us!" I snapped at him, pointing the car. We ran towards it and got in the car.

"Tell us one good reason not to kill you Alexia!" they both shouted.

"I go and kill one of the biggest enemies of Mr. Consenza and you guys just sit there and shout at me like a little girl? Well, you're welcome!" I snapped but deep down I was pleased to see Ian pissed off.

"You killed him?" Max asked.

"Yes, just as planned." I said and Max exhaled, he was relieved that I made it.

" Good job." Max said.

"Oh thank you Max." I said.

"What are you crazy? She ruined everything! That should be me who killed him, not a newcomer girl!" Ian shouted.

"Oh, am I spoiling your reputation? I wanted you to see me killing him Ian, maybe you'd learn few things. But you were a little dozed off, I guess?" I teased.

I saw him looking at me like a wild dog, ready to attack. His eyes were looking at me fiercely. I've never seen anyone so angry. He 'd have killed me just that moment. Then, a faint smile played on the edge of his red lips.

"I think you should be careful, such a great killer like you must have a lot of enemies, right?" he said. I have to admit that I was a little afraid. His voice, his eyes, his face, everything about him made me frightened. I couldn't answer back, I was just looking at him, my face was blank.

He was simply saying that 'if I find you alone,I'll kill you. I'm your biggest enemy. You'd better watch out.'

"It's cool bro, she did the job. That's important. Now calm down." Max said but even his voice wasn't as strong as before.

As we drove back to home, there was an awkward silence. Nobody dared to speak and Ian was too silent which was ominous. Now, I just have to wait and see what will happen to me. But one thing was clear, I've no intention of dying before I get my revenge. I can destroy anyone who will get in my way.


P.S: Hey guys! Hope you liked this first mission!! PLEASE VOTE&COMMENT!

Soon there'll be flashbacks about Alexia's and Ian's past lives and you'll be able to understand their motives.

Please don't be prejudiced and read! all ur comments are welcomed!

Can I get +2 votes at least please?Thanx!

Wattpad:@sebamsarioglu I follow back!!

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