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Chapter 2: Just Getting Started

"Come here boys! I want you to meet our newest assassin, Ms. Alexia Fire." Mr. Consenza exclaimed.

"What?! A girl assassin? Boss, have you lost your mind?! We can't have a girl" one of the men shouted. He was end of twenties maybe thirty. He had a muscular body and he was square-jawed. He seemed to be able to kill 3 men in one hand.

"Respect Ian! I'm your boss!" He grumbled, he clearly didn't like being disrespected. Ian had to shut his mouth.

"Let our new partner be comfortable, if she has a problem, I'll blame some of the people in this room. I'll leave you alone for now. Miss Fire you can meet the team without me right?"

"Sure Mr. Consenza, I'm sure we'll get along well right boys?" I gestured towards them.

"Perfect!" He said and left the room.

"Well well well! Hi baby, my name is Brian." He said, meanwhile he wrapped his arm around me. I held his arm quickly and twist it, with my other hand I took out my knife that was hidden in my leg and held it against his neck, he moaned.

"Don't ever call me Baby, I have a name, Alexia." I whispered to his ear and let him go. I smiled evilly.

"Whoa, we have a very though girl here, calm down Alexia. If we're going to work together, we need to cooperate right? My name is Max." He said and I shook his hand. If they're going to behave like that, we might actually get on well.

"Nice to meet you Max." I put on my fake smile.

The rest of the boys introduced themselves; Steve was rather short and weak, he said that he was the 'brain' of this team. He was good at computers. He didn't look like a killer at all.

Max was tall and muscular like everyone else. His hair was as dark as the night which gave him the exact look of a killer. He was specialist for preparing bombs. As far as I understand, he was the coolest headed in the team. He usually calms us down.

Brian had fair hair and very big hands. His keen blue eyes completed his round face. He was good at killing with a knife and he was the puppeteer. When there was a mission, Brian was the one to infiltrate usually. He was little afraid to talk to me after what happened but he wasn't as uncomfortable as before. We had a little chat and he was calling me Alexia now.

Finally there was Ian. The man who refused to have a girl. He was the best assassin in the team, well until now. He had soft brown -blond like- hair and caramel-colored eyes. When he gets angry, you can see the flames in them. He didn't want to talk to me a lot but it was OK with me unless he didn't underestimate me.

All of them was about 20-30 on average. The oldest one was Steve and he was 30 years old. That geezer must have seen the light in young men. After what I'll do to him, he won't have any men to protect him. He will be so useless that no one will even remember his name. In order for me to start, I need to prove my 'loyalty' to this team. I'm gonna have to bear these guys for a while. But it'll worth it, I guess. It will be either my end or his end. At least I'll meet my family in the end.

"Hey! I'm telling you Ms. Fire!" Ian shouted. Good, now he was talking to me.

"Sorry. What?"

" I asked how you got involved in this business. It's not a girly thing, you know." He said, brave man! I liked it.

"Let's say some horrible events motivated me." I said.

"What kind of events?" He insisted.

"That's not your business Ian. Let's focus on the future, shall we? I'm sure you don't want to spoil you 'reputation'."

That's right Ian, now shut up! That mouth can get you killed one day.

"Oh, I'm sure my reputation will continue. I have no doubts." He said. Now you get on my nerves boy!

"We'll see." I paused, I was saving him for another day.

"So Steve what's the next job?" I said trying to sound eager.

"Well, it says that we need to go to the Morris Company to finish this guy." He said and handed out the guy's photo. He was in his mid-forties and he had coal-black eyes. He was the only strong businessman who was in the way of Mr. Consenza like my dad. He simply needed to be destroyed. And it was our dirty work.

"Excellent! What do we do now?" I said.

"We do what we always do." Brian said.

"I'm going to arrange a meeting with him tonight. I'll have my fake ID and I'll tell him that I'm another important businessman from Hong Kong. After we talk for a while, you guys will take office and finish him." He continued.

"That's my part!" Ian exclaimed. "You can stay with me to watch me Alexia, maybe you'll learn few things." He said cockily.

"What?! Am I not going to kill anyone, are you nuts?!" I snapped at him.

"Not on your first day hon. I mean Alexia." He smiled annoyingly. I gave him one of my angry looks.

"No fighting guys!" Max interrupted. " Now, get your weapons and everything. The Morris Company is a long way from here. We need to get going. Steve, you're not coming with us. You'll get involved from here. Brian don't forget your fake ID and to wear a nice suit. We need to be convincing. Alexia, Ian's right. You had better watch to see how we act during the job just for this time. Is that OK?" I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off.

" I said, is that OK?!" He grumbled.

"Yes" I mumbled.

" Good. Now get your things! I'm waiting in the car." He said and then left the room.

" Watch me well Alexia." Ian winked at me and left. They're so annoying! Of course me, Alexia Fire won't listen a bunch of kids. They'll all see what I made of, what I capable of. And they all will be afraid of me. They'll see today when I kill that man before them. And, I'm just getting started.


P.S: Hey Guys! how are u? I hope you liked this chapter!

Alexia is going on her first mission!!! Can she manage to keep up or will she screw everything???? More action to come!!!


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