Another book

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Sooo I still don't know if I should do another book for this one... quite frankly it wasn't all that good in my opinion but I do think I've grow from it.

And if you don't mind I would love for you guys to check out my other book on here. It's called Running Away From Him.

•description below•

Alexander and her high school sweetheart Quinton have been together for 5 years. They are currently living together and are very happy. That is until Alexander finds out Quinton is cheating on her. She sees messages on his phone from a girl named Jessica. But when Quinton finds out she went through his phone he snaps and hits her. This goes on for a few months. Alexander try's with all she has to leave but Quinton won't let her. But one day Alexander meets someone who can help her escape from him. Does she take the help? Or does she deal with the abuse from her high school sweetheart? Come with Alexander. Hear her story and see what happens.

So if you think you'd be interested in that it's called Running Away From Him. Let me know what I should do because I have no clue.

I got go back and revise this story or make a new one continuing their lives.

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