Chapter 17

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Okie Dokie so Nicole Weatherby aka the bitch is played by Olivia Holt. I have absolutely nothing against Olivia I think she's beautiful and talented. But sometimes I think it'd be cool to see a good guy playing a bad guy. Just a thought... Tell me what you think. Or who you think should be Nicole.


Our break is over it's time to go back to that hell hole of a school. And back to Nicole torturing me. Ryan. I thought. He's not gonna let her or anyone do that to me. Or so he says. I feel like it'll be weird being with him at school. But maybe not heck who knows. I'm glad I have him though. I walked into my history class ready for anything. I put my head down and began to breathe slowly. I felt someone walk past me and put their hand on my back. When I looked up it was Ryan and I smiled. He sat down behind me. Everyone started to walk into class. They looked over at Ryan and looked at him like he was crazy but they said nothing and went to their seats. The next time I looked up I saw Nicole walking in. Oh god I thought to myself. She smiled her biggest and fakest smile at Ryan. Her eyes traveled to me and the the smile fades quickly and turned into a look of disgust. She began to walk over and I put my head down and started panicking. Ryan scooted his chair up to me as far as it would go and using his thumbs he began to rub small circles on my back. I instantly calmed down and brought my head back up. Nicole walked beside Ryan and put her hand on his shoulder but he brushed it off. "Hi Ryan" she said twisting her hair with her fingers trying to look sexy. But in all honesty she failed miserably and I snickered. She gave me her death glare and expected me to back down but I didn't. I was tired of backing down to her. "What are you doing sitting over here? With her?" She said turning her head away from me and towards Ryan. "Well Nicole if you must know I'm sitting with my girlfriend." I felt my heart flutter and the world stop when he called me his girlfriend. Nicole gasped and looked completely shocked. "What did you just say?!" "You heard me Nicole. I am sitting with my girlfriend. And I would appreciate if you'd leave us alone." She turned around looking disappointed at him then looked at me with anger and disgust. "This isn't over you freak." "Tootles Nicole" I said wriggling my fingers at her as she walked away. I could hear Ryan behind me laughing his ass off. And that's when I thought about I just did and said. Oh shit I thought. I just stood up to her I can't believe I didn't back down or anything. I mentally high-five myself and begin to smile. Our teacher walks in and the bell rings telling us class had just begun. "Alright seeing how everyone in here is a Senior I have some very good news for some of you. And some not so good news for the rest of you. You all know how big this project is. If you do good on this project you will be able to graduate with a special prize. Seeing how you guys only have 1 week of school left before you graduate. Whichever group has the best work done will get the a recommendation letter that will allow you to be accepted to the college of your choice immediately." Everyone starts whispering and our teacher shushes then. "Alright now listen up. I'm letting you guys start of some research right now. If you guys need anything in here get it. Meaning textbooks, maps, or anything else. After you get these things we will move to the library." I grabbed my things and waited for Ryan to stand up. "Ryan did you hear that!!" I said grabbing his arm excitedly. "Yes I did" he said chuckling at my excitement. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the class together and towards the library. I blushed remembering what he called me earlier. "So I'm your girlfriend huh?" He blushed and started to rub the back of his neck and he looked absolutely adore while doing it. " see I was... Uhh... Well......" I grabbed his face and smashed my lips against his. I loved the way his lips felt against mine. They were so soft and plump like they were made for mine. We pulled back and I kissed his cheek. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." He smiled a toothy and gorgeous smile that I loved. "Of course you would. I mean come on have you not seen my or my body. Who wouldn't want to be my girlfriend?" He said in a cocky but playful way. I punched him on his shoulder and laughed. "You are so full of yourself Ryan Wolf." He laughed and put his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the library together.

Sorry I had writers block. But please guys I would love for you to comment on things. Whether it's about mistakes I've made or anything it would mean the world to me.

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