Chapter 12

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We finally get to the hospital and they out me into a room and gave me a robe to change in. While I was changing Ryan was outside calling the police.

(Ryan's Perspective)

I walked outside trying to calm myself down. So much bull shit has happened to Jordan. She may come off as fragile to some but she is so strong on the inside. I pull my phone out and dial 911.

*ring ring ring*
911 : Hello what's your emergency?
Ryan : I'm at the hospital with my friend. She has been beaten and abused by her father.
911 : That's good you got her to the hospital. What's your name sir?
Ryan : My name is Ryan Wolf.
911 : And what's your friends name?
Ryan : Her name is Jordan Peace.
911 : What is her address Ryan?
Ryan : 716 West Robin.
911 : Thank you Ryan. We're sending a car to her house now to pick up her father.
Ryan : Thank you so much.
911 : That's my job sir to help people. What hospital are you at Ryan?
Ryan : We're at Ronald Reagan ULCA Medical Center. 757 Westwood Plaza.
911 : Alright Ryan we're sending someone over now.
Ryan : Thank you

I pressed end call and went back inside to tell Jordan. I walked up to her door and knocked on it. "Come in" I head softly from inside. "Hey J I'm back." She looked at me and patted the spot next to her. I walked over and sat next to her and told her that they were sending someone to her house and to the hospital. She nodded he head and then laid it on my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and starts rubbing it. 10 minutes later a female doctor came in. "Jordan Peace?" She said. "Yes ma'am that's me." I got off the bed and moved out of the doctors was so she could get a better look at Jordan. "Hi Jordan my name is Dr. Cameron Jones." Jordan smiled politely at her then looked at me. I nodded my head at her telling her it was okay. "How old are you Ms. Peace?" "18... I just remembered that today is my birthday." I looked at Jordan. I had no idea today was her birthday. Dr. Jones looked at her and gave her a sad smile. "Alright Jordan I'm going to give you a full body examine and..." She paused in the middle of her sentence. ".....and a rape kit." Jordan nodded understanding but I put my head trying to control my anger. Jordan looked over at me and saw me trying to control it. Dr. Jones looked over to me as well. "I'm sorry Sir but I'm going to have to ask for you to leave." I looked over at Jordan and she nodded at me. "Alright" I said. I walked over to J and gave her a hug and walked out into the waiting room. When I came out I noticed 2  police officers standing outside the door. "Excuse me Sir are you Ryan Wolf?" He asked me. "Yes Sir I am." "We're going to have to talk to you Ryan" said the female officer. "Yes ma'am." I said and walked into the waiting room with them. They questioned me in private for about 2 hours getting everything I knew about the whole situation. They said they were done and we came back into the waiting room. Dr. Jones spotted me and waved me over. I walked to her with the 2 officers right behind me. "Ryan and officers we are done with the examine and kit. It seems she had 4 broken ribs, 2 on each side. She also has bruises all over her body including cuts and scars. She was raped by 2 men." I bawled my fists up and tried not to punch the wall. The officer saw and asked for me to calm down for Jordan. I did immediately not wanted Jordan to see me like this. Dr. Jones let us go in and I ran over to Jordan and wrapped my arms around her trying not to hurt her. She flung her arms around me and began crying. I couldn't stand seeing her cry and I soon began to cry to. We sat/stood there holding each other crying. The officers and doctor left giving us some time. They knocked on the door a few minutes later after we put ourselves back together and came in to question her. I refused to leave her side so they let me stay in. They questioned her for about 2 hours as well and got everything from her. "I know this is a sore topic Jordan but the 2 men who rapped you. Do you know their names?" As soon as they said that Jordan squeezed my hand. I gave her hand a little squeeze back reassuring her it was okay. "They said their names were Seth and Caleb. I think Seth was the tall one. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. Caleb was kinda short and he had blonde hair and brown eyes. They are friends of my fathers." Jordan put her head on my shoulder and the officers thanked her for being brave then left. I got up and took off my shoes. I turned off the light and laid down in the bed with Jordan. She scooted as close as she could to me and I wrapped my arms around her and we both drifted off into a needed sleep.


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