Chapter 24

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I woke up with this terrible feeling in my stomach. I threw Ryan's arm off of me and ran into the bathroom. Everything I had ate the night before came up. Ryan came in and held my hair back. "I'm fine Ryan really I don't want you to see me all... All... Sickly." "J shut up and let me help you." "You don't have to be mean" I mumbled. And I started to get sick again.... And again... And again... And finally it stopped. But guess what started... My fricking period just wonderful. I brushed my teeth and used mouth wash. Ryan scooped me up and took me back to his bed and laid me down softly. He pulled the covers over my head and kissed my forehead. "Ryan? Where are you going?" "Hush now go to sleep." And as soon as he said that my eyes closed and I fell into a dreamless dream. When I woke up I checked my phone. It was 7:40 pm and I had 2 missed calls from those detectives. I had forgotten all about that ordeal and everything that was involved with it. I got up and changed (outfit above) and walked downstairs looking for Ryan. There was a note on the kitchen table.

I went out to get some groceries princess. Since you're on your period I decided I'd get you some lady stuff in case you ran out. Oh and I'm bringing a shit ton of sweets, brownies, cookies, ice cream, more sunny D, and some movies. I love you my nerdette. Love yours truly, Ryan (the King.)

I giggled at his silliness and went to go sit on the couch. I turned the tv on and put on Scooby-Doo. Hey don't judge me I love Scooby and the Gang. I decided to call those detectives back to see what they wanted.

*ring ring ring*
Female Officer : Hello? Jordan?
Jordan : Yes ma'am it's me.
Female Officer : Call me Becka.
Jordan : Alright Becka. I noticed you called me is there something wrong?
O. Becka : Yes and no I'm afraid to say. We caught Seth and Caleb. They are now waiting for trails and dear you'll have to go to both to testify if you want them to go away for what they've done
Jordan : Alright I'm fine with that as long as they are put behind bars. And the bad news?
O. Becka : I'm sorry to tell you this Jordan... *short pause*... But your father escaped from our custody.
Jordan : W-W-What?
O. Becka : I'm so sorry Jordan. He was in the custody of a Rookie and he didn't have a good enough grip on your father and he ran.
Jordan : *shaken up pretty bad Jordan held down her tears*... Can you please tell that rookie that it's okay? As long as he gets arrested and sent to jail everything will be fine.

*While on the phone with the officer Jordan here's a the door bell ring. So she gets up and looks through the peep hole. Her father. Her father was at the door. *

"Hello? I know you're in there you stupid whore!! LET ME IN NOW!!!" He began to pound on the door making Jordan jump. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife she could find.

Jordan : Officer Becka?!
O. Becka : Jordan what's wrong? Who was that at the door?
Jordan : I need you to come here NOW!! My father is at the door. Send someone now please!!!
O. Becka : Make sure all the doors around the house are locked. Get something to protect yourself like a knife or bat or something that could knock him out. Jordan I'm sending every there now. I'm coming Jordan okay. I'm on my way now.
Jordan : Thank you *tears are now streaming down her face* thank you so much.
O. Becka : I'll see you when I get there Jordan.

I hung up the phone and hid in the living room while my father kept banging on the door and yelling terrible things. So many things were rushing through my mind. My poor mother. I missed her mother so much. And my father. That drunk bastard. He would drink when my mother was alive but it wasn't that bad. I curled up into a ball in corner and just thought about everything. I heard police sirens getting closer and closer. There was a knock on the door pulling me out of my mind. "Jordan it's me Officer Becka. Please let me in."  I got up and ran to the door I looked through the peep hole and saw Officer Becka. I'm opened the door and flew into her arms. And I cried, and cried, and cried. Becka rubbed my back and told me everything was going to be okay now. Ryan's truck pulled into the driveway and he seemed to have a few different emotions on his face. Anger, confusion, and fright. When I saw Ryan get out I ran to him and jumped into his arms. By now I was crying uncontrollably. I probably looked like a hot mess but I didn't care. My eyes were red, my face was puffy, and I had really bad hiccups. "Jordan what happened?! Why are all these officers here? And was that your father I saw?" I couldn't say anything I just kept crying and held onto him tighter. He picked me up bridal style and walked us in the house than laid me on the couch. He tried to walk outside to the officers but I reached out and grabbed his hand. "Please don't leave me alone." I said, my body was still shaking uncontrollably and I had the hiccups. "I won't princess I'll stay right here with you." Ryan sat on the couch and wrapped me up in a cover then I laid across his lap while he played in my hair calming me down. Officer Becka walked over and sat in front of us. "What happened?" Ryan asked her. "We called Jordan twice this morning and she didn't pick up so we assumed she was asleep. When she woke up she called is back and I told her we caught Seth and Caleb. We had her father in custody but he broke out and came here. I was still on the phone with Jordan when her father came here. I told her to get something to protect herself and to make sure the house was locked up while I could get a team of people over here. When we got here her father was banging on the door. He's in the back of my car right now being watched by 3 other officers." I was still sniffling and had the hiccups. I cuddled up closer to Ryan and darkness surrounded me.


The Jock That Saved MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz