Chapter 28

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We drove back to Ryan's house and saw his parents car in the drive way. I got excited because I missed his parents. I jumped out of his truck and ran inside to see his parents standing in the kitchen. I ran over to his mother and hugged her. "Well I missed you too sweetie." Mrs. Wolf said. Ryan walked in and gave his mother a hug while I hugged his father. "I've missed you both Mrs. & Mr. Wolf." "We missed you sweetie. Both of you." Mr. Wolf said ruffling up Ryan's hair. "Jordan what the hell happened to your hand?!" Mrs. Wolf said slightly yelling. I could feel my face heating up and I knew I was red. I looked around at Ryan and he busted out in a fit of laughter. I threw him a death glare and he stopped laughing and starting scratching the back of his head. And while this was going on his parents looked back and forth between us and started laughing. Me and Ryan looked at each other confused then back at his parents. "You two remind us of us when we were y'alls age." Mrs. Wolf said. I blushed. "Today we gave our presentations and passed so now we don't have to go to school anymore and we get to graduate. As we were walking out of the school this girl named Nicole. Threw a big hissy fit because she failed and wasn't going to graduate this year. She is also the same girl who was terrorising me since my mother passed. Well she walked up to me called me a bitch and slapped me. So I punched her and called her a.... Bitch.." His mother looked at and began to smile. "Hell yeah that's what I'm talking about!" I smiled but was hella surprised to hear her say that. "Let me see your hand JoJo." Mr. Wolf said. I gave him my hand. He started to squeeze some places and I winced in pain. "Well it looks like you bruised your fists up pretty bad." "Lucky me." Mr. & Mrs. Wolf smiled then went in the living room and sat on the couch to watch tv. "Mrs. Pam do you mind if I stole your son for a little while to go buy an outfit for graduation?" "Of course honey you two have fun." I grabbed Ryan's arm and pulled him outside. He walked towards his truck and I grabbed his arm. "I don't even remember the last time I drove Trevor. We are taking my truck." I said smiling really big. Without putting a fight up Ryan put his head down in submission and walked to my truck.
We arrived at the mall and I ran to my favorite shops looking for an outfit. I was surprised when Ryan said he'd help me find something. I grabbed 3 dresses and tried them on but none of them really fit me. Ryan walked over to me with a maroon dress. "Hey babe try this on." He said handing it to me. "I really hope this is the one. I love trying dresses on don't get me wrong but I really wanna lay down. My feet are aching." Ryan walked over to me kissed me. "When we get home I rub your feet" he said whispering in my ear. I smiled and went back into the dressing room. I tried the dress on and looked in the mirror. Oh my. I looked amazing in it. I walked out hoping to get a good reaction from Ryan. "Oh my god.... You look amazing!!!" Ryan begin to raise his voice making others stare. "Ryan please calm down I'm buying the dress now go please." I said blushing. Ryan smiled and walked to the counter to pay. I switched my clothes and walked out to the front to pay. "I already paid princess lets go." He squinted my eyes at him and we walked out to Trevor. I grab us home and when we got there his parents were waiting. "We have something to tell you guys. As you know y'all  are graduating tomorrow. Well when the graduation is over you guys can go hang out with your friends. But when you get back you'd both better pack for a long road trip..... We're going to ITALY!!!" I begin to jump up and down. "REALLY!!?? This is amazing I need to pack now. Ohhhh I need to buy more outfits!! I need to shop in Italy so many things to do!!" I ran upstairs leaving everyone smiling and laughing at me.


I wanna go to Italy sooooo bad 😭😭😭😭

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