Chapter 10

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When I woke up I was laying on a bed in a stance house. And I was also laying in someone's arms. I jump up and fall on floor. The next thing I hear is laughing from the person on the bed. I look up and see Ryan laughing his ass off. As I'm laying on the floor I start crying and Ryan notices and gets on the floor with me. "Jordan I'm so sorry I'm such a dumbass." "No it's Ryan *sniffle sniffle* I'm crying for 3 reasons. 1 I'm actually happy, 2 I'm crying from laughing to hard, and 3 I'm in so much fucking pain because these bruises and my rib." Ryan looked at me wide-eyed and picked me up bridal style as carefully as he could. "Shit Jordan" he said with a smile but I could still hear the worry in his voice. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. "Oh no. Don't you go getting to comfortable now there's some people I'd like you to meet." That sneaky little bastard I thought. He carried me downstairs and into his living room. He placed me softly onto the couch and walked into the kitchen. When he came back he came back with a woman and man. "Jordan I'd like you meet my parents. This is my mom." "Just call me Pam dear" she said hugged me tightly. I flinched and tried not to cry. "Mom please be careful you're hurting her." "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" "It's fine Ms... I mean Pam." "And this is my dad." "You can call me Charles or Charlie for short." They stepped back and waited for me to say something. "Hi.. My name is Jordan but you call me J if you'd like." "J I wanted you to meet my parents because my mom is a nurse and my father is a doctor." I looked at him and sent him a mental thank you. He obviously understood me and nodded his head. "What seems to be the problem dear?" Pam asked me. She had already noticed my black eye and busted lip. So I pulled my shirt up and she gasped. "Oh my god" she said. "Jordan who did this to you?" Charles asked me. I looked down and started to play with my thumbs. "It's okay if you don't want to tell us honey but you're going to have to tell someone soon." Pam said. I nodded and took a deep slow inhale. " father.... My father has been beating me since my mom died years ago." When I looked up Pam was crying. "I'm so sorry Jordan. If you ever need a place to stay our home is your home." "Thank you so much." They told me to lay back and they began bandaging my ribs. They gave me a frozen pack of ice for my eye and some medicine to put on my lip. After they were finished Ryan took me back upstairs to his room. We walked in and he laid on his bed and patted it telling me to join him. Slowly I got up and laud next to him. He pulled me close and we begin to cuddle. He then turned on Netflix and put in American Horror Story (my favourite tv show). I soon fell asleep once again in Ryan's arms feeling safe.


😭😭😭😭😭 it's just so beautiful

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