Chapter 27

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I woke up and smiled remembering what had happened last night. Ryan laid next to me still asleep. I put my finger on his chest and started making circles. He grunted and opened his eyes then smiled. "You like what you see?" I asked him. "No. I love what I see." I blushed. "Come on get up Mr. Lazy. 7:10am and we have to be up at the school by 7:50. "Ugh can't I just lay here with my gorgeous naked girlfriend." "As much as I would love that I'm ready to turn in this damn project so I can be done with school." I untangled myself from Ryan and got up. I got my clothes and went to the bathroom. I changed and brushed my teeth (outfit above). I looked at myself in the mirror. The old me would never wear something like this. The old me would never wear anything that showed my scars. The old me was never me.... I looked at myself and smiled. This is me. My scars are in my past. They are apart of me and I shouldn't hide them. I walked out of the bathroom looking and feeling confident. Ryan was sitting on the bed waiting for me. He looked at me and smiled. "You ready to go beautiful?" "Yep" I said popping the p. I grabbed all of our work and headed downstairs, out the door, and to Ryan's truck. We arrived at school and ran up the steps and headed towards our class. We walked into the classroom and everyone was staring at me. Between all the eyes on me and the whispers I was feeling pretty damn good about myself. A few guys even whistled which made Ryan pretty mad but I just giggled. Nicole was the last one to walk into class and she stared at me the whole way to her seat. I decided to wink at her since she seemed to like what she saw. "Alright class the first team to go is Sam and Nicole" Mr. Brown said. Nicole huffed and whined but finally got up and followed Sam to the front of the class. "So we did our project over Paris. We're going to be staying there for 2 months. We will stay in one hotel while we are there. We'll have to bring a lot of money because most of the time there we will be shopping." Said Nicole. Sam just stood there holding a poster board that had a few different pictures of Paris and pictures of dollar signs. Are you freaking kidding me?! Their poster was terrible and they didn't even complete the project correctly. The room was silent. If a pen dropped you would be able to hear it. Hell you could hear crickets chirping. "You do know this determines whether you graduate or not?" Mr. Brown asked. "Yeah." Nicole said. "You two have been slacking this whole year. The presentation you just gave me was absolutely terrible. So I am not letting you two graduate." "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!" screamed Nicole. "Yes I'm very serious now go back to your seats." Nicole stomped back to her seat while Sam followed shrugging his shoulders. "Alright. Let's see who's next. Ah here we are. Jordan and Ryan." When I heard our names my hands started to shake. I looked at Ryan and he smiled at me and that stopped my hands. He grabbed the our board and we headed to the front of the class. I began to talk about our board and where we planned to go. In the beginning my voice was a little shaky but by the end I was speaking loudly and clearly. "And that's what we will be doing in Rome, Italy." I said finished the presentation. It was quite then all at once almost everybody in the class began to clap. I smiled and looked at Ryan and he just smiled back at me. We handed our board to Mr. Brown and he smiled at us. "Class this is the perfect example as to what I was looking for. I am proud to announce that you Jordan Peace and you Ryan Wolf will be graduating." I hugged Mr. Brown and thanked him. "If you guys want you can leave now you have passed my class." Ryan grabbed my hand and we walked out of the school. Once we got out I jumped into Ryan's arms and hugged him while he spins us in circles. "Finally out of this hell hole" I said as he put me down. "You stupid bitch" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Nicole of course. "Nicole I am so tired of you what do you want?!" "This!" She said and walked over to me and slapped me. "You know what" I said holding my cheek. "What?" Nicole said. I punched her releasing all the anger and pain I've ever had in my life. She fell to the ground holding her bleeding nose. "Fuck you. You fucking bitch." I said and walked away. I grabbed Ryan's hand and we walked back to his truck. We got in and started to drive out of the school parking lot. "Holy shit J that was amazing!! And really hot might I add." I laughed at his extra comment. "Thanks Ryan." "Are you okay though?" "Yeah she didn't even bruise my face. But my hand hurts like hell" I said holding it. We both laughed as we drove away from the school.

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