Chapter 48

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The look that Asher and Caleb shared was scary and I wasn't sure what to think, but it was about time that this mess ended and was put in the past behind us. 

I knew that there would always be problems but this time, it had hit personally, very personally since Anabelle took Zayden away from me for so long. My blood boiled and I just wanted it to be noon already but I knew that we needed thorough planning before executing the plan and the demon herself. 

"Jilly, are you staying home?" I asked after sitting down on the couch beside her. She sighed and nodded then glanced down at the small nut bundled in her arms. 

"I think it's best, and I was planning to watch your kids anyway while you deal with this situation with Asher." She took initiative and smiled at the end to show that she was certain of her decision. I nodded in gratitude and looked up at our husbands. They were already peering down upon us with nods, but deep down, I knew that Asher wanted me to come along anyway.

"Right, then mother can stay here and help you watch the children and make sure that nobody comes when anyone is vulnerable. Nobody could really be trusted, even the people behind these walls." I informed. Mother was nodding in agreement because we all recalled the exact same moment when we were attacked by a maid possessed by a Shadow. 

Cameron was staring at Hazel in a trance. He was in deep thought but then he looked up at us. 

"Are you sure you don't need anyone to help the two of you? I'm sure you both can take on a castle but there's also the risk of a Shadow just sneaking through a crack of a window." He stated while flicking his eyes from one person in the room to another. 

Caleb sighed and ran a hand down his face in frustration. 

"You know that I love you, Jill, and no matter how much I want you to come along and fight with us, I just can't risk losing you again and I don't want to lose Hazel either. I just got you two back. I can stay behind if you want." He offered to his wife and asked with the tone of his green eyes to get an answer from her, but she shook her head refusing his statements. 

"I have Violet's mother here with me. I'm safe under her care. She will be helping me watch the children, so don't worry about anything, my love." She stated back and I watched the husband bow his head down in respect to his wife's decision.

"We are to lure her out into an open field, make sure that everybody is in sight and avoid the trees. The trees could potentially be good objects where the Shadows lurk." Asher began. "She won't be exposing herself alone and she will make sure that a Shadow do the job for her first, so I suggest that we do something, anything, to make her want to attack us then we strike her with a force of light. Overwhelm her with brightness so that it drowns out the darkness." He paused on his rant and glanced around for any objections. 

"I think she wants to pay all of us a visit, but-" Asher paused then glanced at Derek, "She will definitely want anything that has to do with you." He stated and held his head. 

Cameron glanced down at the floor and knew what he was implying. Anabelle was the who approached Derek and showed interest in him. She wanted to end his mate's life so that he could be with her. Goosebumps rose along both arms. This could end in a disaster or a victory. 

"Alright, I'll do it. Just tell me what to do and I'll make sure she gets brought out into the middle of the day so she could burn in front of everybody." The man's voice was full of anger and I hardly saw Derek as angry as this. He was also irritated, hell, we all were. 

I sighed and shook my head with both hands over my face. This was a mess and this tight group of people could very much fall apart after dealing with Anabelle.

"We might need to few more soldiers to court us." Caleb began but didn't finish when Cameron stepped forward.

"I'll recruit them." He answered hastily. I knew that this meeting was making him very much on edge, especially after the incident that occurred in the hallway. His mate's life was in danger and his was threatened as well. 

"I'll go with him." I stood rapidly from my seat and followed his steps out the door without letting anyone object. Asher didn't say anything but he already knew what I was doing. 

I wanted to come along with Cameron to soothe him and let him know that everything would be alright, but he would never believe me. He was too realistic at this point in life. He had changed from his huggable and bubbly self. Admittedly, he still was his friendly self, but after this entire Shadow incident- with Zayden's kidnapping body possessions- everybody was on edge.

"Hey." I called out from behind him and watched him stop on his track and turn around to face me. His eyes were red and wanted to spill tears but he held them onto them tightly. I refused to let them go. I sighed and gripped onto both his hands with mine. 

"You do not need to be afraid, we will be there with you every step of the way. I know that it's difficult to see your mate being with someone that you don't trust, but you need to trust your mate. You should trust your mate." I paused and gave his hands a tight squeeze when he refused to look up at me. 

"I'll be there for you just as I am here for you now. Remind yourself who your family is. We're all here for each other so don't stress over anything. Derek loves you so much and I see it in his eyes each time he looks at you." I laughed. "I swear he has puppy eyes every time he lands his gaze on you. You mean so much to him, Cam, so don't let these silly emotions blur out the bigger picture." 

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