Chapter 32

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I paced at the back of the room while chewing on a fingernail anxiously. I was anxious on how Caleb and Jillian were repairing their relationship and I was nervous on what Violet and the doctor were doing to "cure" Zayden from the curse. 

I spectated and racked my mind around ways to get rid of the vile curse that lived in my son's body. A possession so strong that an offspring of witches, werewolves, and vampires can not fight back. I balled my fists and quit gnawing at my fingernail. 

"Violet, Caleb said that Jillian smacked him on the head with a lamp, and that stopped the possession." I walked up to her and placed a gentle hand on her hip. She glanced up at me and sighed with a slight shake of the head. 

"I don't know what to do now, but we have just a limited amount of time because the medication will end and he will gain consciousness again. He's not a full Shadow, he's just a tainted vampire who has the mindset of a murderer. I'm afraid of when he wakes up again. I'm scared." 

I pulled her in my arms and rested my chin atop her head and breath out a long sigh. Her heartbeat thumped against my lower chest. 

"Don't worry too much, my love. We will get through this and we shall have our son back to his normal form. No more running around hectically to find him, he will be with us from now to the end." I whispered words in hopes to soothe Violet, but she was stubborn to believe me. 

"But I don't want to harm him any longer." She mumbled against my chest. Her voice was filled with distress and my heart dropped slightly but I stayed strong. 

"Then we do something else. We show our son that we are not a threat and we show him what love really means. We start over. We patch up this rough spot in his life and make sure that he recovers. We will be strong for him." Once I declared those words, I couldn't swallow past the lump that grew in my throat. 

The anticipation burned when she didn't say anything but rather leaned back to glance into my eyes. My brown eyes were probably wide, waiting for an answer, while her gray ones flickered from one feature on my face to the next. Then she nodded with a defeated exhale. Her eyes gazed down to her hands rested on top of my chest where my heart beat from deep within. 

"And what if this therapy can't patch up this rough spot?" She finally mumbled. With the sound of her shaking voice, I could tell that she was trying very hard to hold her tears in. The lump in my throat only suffocated me even more. 

"I'm not sure, love, but one step at a time. We will be by each other's side and I will make sure of that." I stated then tucked two fingers under her chin to urge her gaze up towards me. 

Her gray eyes were dark and swirled with uncertainty. They glazed over with a glossy layer and her lips shook slightly, trying to prevent any more quivering. I bent my head down to her level and kissed her cheek slowly. A salty tear drop slithered then rested on top of my upper lip. I tasted it and shut my eyes even tighter. 

A sudden coldness brushed past my spine when I pulled away and glanced at the floor. She held my hands in a tight squeeze. I wasn't positive whether I was reassuring enough, but she deserved to feel the best. 

"Your Highness, your son will gain consciousness very soon, so I warn you to brace yourself. There might be violence." The castle doctor announced. I nodded at her while she stepped so Violet and I could step forth. 

My wife held no fear and reached for our son's hand while still holding onto mine with the other hand. I kept my hold tight around her smaller grip. I held my breath when his breathing escaped the deep slumber and he growled at the bright light that shined down on him in the dark room. But the only thing he did was growl, nothing more. He didn't retract from Violet's hand. If anything, I saw nostalgia flash through his eyes and his pupils lightened with innocence again but in a blink, it had been replaced with the devilish glare. 

His body was limp and I could tell that he wanted to move, but his physical body refused. I wanted to ask the doctor what was going on, but she was already out the room. I frowned and turned back to my son's unmoving body. His face held no emotions, absolutely no muscles reacted to anything, but only his eyelids. 

"Zayden, honey, it's mom and dad. Can you hear us?" Violet spoke up with high hopes. A small growl rumbled from his chest but nothing otherwise. If this was the trail to treatment, then so be it. So be the consequences that I make for this family. 

"Zayden, if you can hear us and know who we are then blink once." I concluded as a mode of communication. He blinked once. I breathed a sigh of relief. This journey to recovery would be a long and tedious one, but as long as this family stayed close together, then I was fine. I vowed to myself that we be that once happy family again. 

The doctor still hadn't returned and I wondered where she went, so I called for Aidan. He poked his head in right away from the other side of the door. I told him to fetch for the doctor and tell her about Zayden's condition and he sprinted off. 

My carotid artery thumped heavily against my neck and I could've sworn I saw Zayden's eyes flicker to the source of the blood, but he showed no reaction otherwise. 

Aidan came back ages later with no breath left in him. I was waiting for his explanation, but I caught a whiff of dry blood and my pupils dilated immediately. Someone was bleeding and it had been a while, but why haven't we smelled it before? 

My brother slammed the door wide open for a traffic of people to migrate in; three of whom were the doctor, Caleb, and Jillian- resting in Caleb's arms. 

The sight before me was horrid. Caleb was in massive distress and he stuttered without forming a full sentence to make any sense. I released Violet's hand and walked up to where Jillian rested, but as soon as I let go of her hand, Zayden released a pain-wrenching hiss through his retracted fangs and threatened to sit up. 

If it weren't for Aidan and Violet restricting him from sitting upright, then he would've attacked Jillian and devoured her blood, whether dry or not. 

I drew a long stride beside my wife and fought against my son's amazing strength that made three vampires struggle. I gripped onto both his shoulders and pressed him down hard against the hospital bed. Violet held firmly on his arms while Aidan gripped onto his legs. He had threatened to kick his uncle in the face and I growled in frustration. 

On top of the commotion, Violet's mother strolled in with Alexandria in her arms. A yelp from my daughter caught my attention and I looked up immediately while Zayden fought against my hold. 

"Get her out of her now! Someone get the needle!" My voice thundered over everyone like a sonic boom. 

Bloody Curse | Book Two of Blood TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now