Chapter 20

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His hushed voice filled my ears. I twisted the kink in my neck before opening my eyes to a dark room. It seemed as if the deep voice inside my mind had faded. There was nothing but Jilly's gentle breathing as the moonlight danced across the marble floor of her bedroom. I stretched then glanced at the time on the nightstand on the opposite end of the room. 2:46. It read. My breath caught in my throat. I had been asleep for so long that I was not there to tuck Alexia into bed. I bit my lip and hoped that either my mother or Asher had already done so. 

I was about to stand on my feet when I just remembered that Jilly was sleeping beside me. I groaned internally. Where the hell was Caleb? I had to tend to my own family and he had to watch over his. 

As if she heard my words, she stirred then sat upright with a yawn. "Why must pregnancy be so tiring?" She mumbled and stood while popping a couple joints. I followed suit and watched her bursting stomach as she kept mumbling on how late it was. I could see the hormonal wheels turning through her thick skull and she was not one bit happy that Caleb had been absent for hours. Did she even know that her husband stopped by to check on her? I rolled my eyes at the woman before me. 

I thought she was making her way towards the soft sheets waiting on her bed, but she made a sharp turn towards the closed door. Once we pushed past it, the hallways were dark but only lit with the moonlight streaming through the tall, arched windows. 

"I'm hungry, Vi. If you want, then you can go to bed with Asher. I might just search for Caleb after having a bite of something." She whispered all while rubbing her belly. I smiled and shook my head softly. 

"I'll go with you." I whispered back. She returned my smile and extended a hand in my direction. I reached out to grab it and we proceeded to walk hand in hand to the kitchen. I knew that if Caleb had not returned, then Ash wouldn't have either. What were our handsome husbands up to? 

When we rounded the corner, we were surprised to see the kitchen ablaze behind the dark castle walls. But I was even more shocked to see a small army of men chatting across the kitchen floor. Their heads snapped to the both of us as we approached even closer. 

"Don't mind us, we're just looking for blood."  I announced, and as soon as I said that, the worries on their faces cleared and they turned back to conversing. The two of us shuffled to the fridge and got cups of blood. 

Jilly settled at the barstool and gulped like no tomorrow. I stared at her with a full cup of blood in my hand. Mine was untouched and I finally dipped down for my first sip when she was grabbing her second cup. 

"Slow down there, darling. You might excite the little nut." Caleb spoke from behind me. I swirled around in my stool and grinned as soon as I spotted Asher just over Caleb's shoulder. He strolled up to me and immediately wrapped an arm around my waist. I stood to stand on my tippy toes and land a peck on his lips. 

"How are you, love?" His breath brushed against my face when he asked me. I giggled and stared into his smoldering chocolate eyes. 

"Well rested." I whispered back then hugged him tighter. He squeezed me harder against his chest. I breathed in his scent with my eyes closed. If I could drift off then I could've at that moment, but Jilly's laughing forced me to turn around. 

"Violet! How ridiculous is Caleb to tell me that our child will be a boy?" He rolled his eyes at his wife's words. "He just wants someone break all those poor ladies' hearts, doesn't he?" 

"Well someone's gotta do it! I seem to be busy nowadays so I'm going to need my son to do it for me." He smirked at his comeback with his eyes slyly on Jillian. I chuckled under my breath and Asher did as well since his chest vibrated against my back. 

"Oh you wish that many women were after you." Jilly squinted into his eyes and drank some blood when Caleb didn't reply. 

"You're right. I was lucky enough to have you stick by my side for all these years." Caleb sighed then pulled Jilly into an embrace. I smiled in admiration at their jokes and seriousness. Jillian giggled when Caleb planted kisses along her neck. "I'm also lucky to have a ticklish wife who giggles every time I kiss her neck." He whispered with something dark swirling within his eyes. 

After he said that, I turned around to look back up at Ash. His brown eyes were already on me. I let out a soft breath as he left me speechless. My legs began to feel weak to his touch on my hips and his gaze deep into my soul. 

I pulled out of his grasp. He glared at me closely. I bit my bottom lip then grabbed his left hand. He held both our hands firmly. I took the first steps toward the exit. He trailed closely behind even when we climbed the stairs, his steps never fell back. 

And as soon as I closed our bedroom doors behind me, he slammed me against the door with hungry hands and hungry eyes. I closed my eyes and moaned when his hands tucked under my shirt and slide up my sides to reach the edge of my breasts. My inner wolf growled internally when he teased me. I craved for more, so when I opened my eyes, I ripped his shirt off and pushed him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed. 

I pushed him one last time so he could fall back onto the duvet. Like a hungry wolf, I rubbed my hands from his legs up to his well-defined abs. I sat on top of him then took this moment to trace my fingers along his chest and pull him closer to me. 

He groaned at my slow torment and stared into my dark gray eyes all while reaching behind to unclasp my bra. My lips parted at the trail of heat wherever his fingers touched my skin. 

I let out a final breath when his lips covered mine in a breathtaking kiss. 

Bloody Curse | Book Two of Blood TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now