Chapter 5: The Fight to Survive

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Chapter 5


Nick and Ashby were combing the woods, each with shotguns in their hands. It had been only about a week since the group had found a place to settle, a rundown motel which served their purposes well. The two roommates were now out looking for food, water, and any other supplies which they could find. They had done quite a bit of scavenging so far, but they needed as much as they could get. Nick could tell Ashby was sad, and he understood why. The day of the outbreak, on his way to meet with Nick and the group, he had lost his girlfriend, Taylor, to a walker.  The death was brutal, and Ashby locked himself in a room with her until she turned, putting her down himself. Since then, Nick knew he wasn't the same man. And he couldn't blame his friend for this. If he lost Kelsey, he would be a mess. But he couldn't let anything put the group at risk. He considered Ashby to be a part of his family, and he wanted to help him get better. So he took him out to scavenge and hunt.

"Ashby, I took you with me because we need to talk. I've noticed you're very quiet. Withdrawn. You've helped us a lot so far, but we are all concerned about you." Nick said as he pushed a branch out of their way.

"Look, I appreciate it but I just need time. I was gonna ask her to marry me someday. But now she's gone and I just don't know what to do. "Ashby replied, tear starting to roll down his cheeks. Nick stopped and Ashby followed his lead.

"You are one of my best friends man. I know how hard it is, but we are all here for you. We are surviving this together. That's what she would've wanted. You're a good man Ashby. Don't let this world taint you." Nick said, his words hitting home for Ashby who lowered his stare and frowned.

"I won't. You have my word. I just need time." Ashby said. Nick wasn't entirely convinced. He wrapped his arms around Ashby, who hugged him back.

"WE will survive" Nick said to him with certainty in his voice. And with that they continued on their hunt for supplies.


Nick, Noah, Ashby, and Max rushed through the empty campus, ducking behind a building briefly before continuing their path forward. Noah and Max took the lead, leaving Nick and Ashby to trail behind and discuss the evident matters at hand.

"This can't continue Ashby. Not anymore" Nick said as they jogged slowly, not wanting to attract attention.

"Just shut up. I don't want to talk about this shit. Noah has already given me enough to worry about." Ashby replied, shooting a glance forward at Noah.

"Noah is right. You need to cut the shit. You may not believe this, but I'm on your side man. You are like a brother to me, and you have been for a long time. But this isn't you. The Ashby who I met in college wouldn't let his friends get hurt just for some weed. Or be careless enough to shoot Goodsell. You've changed. And I understand why, but it can't continue" Nick said, not raising his voice yet keeping a very firm tone to show that he was completely serious. Ashby lowered his head, as he always did when he knew he was wrong.

"I'm sorry.. I'm trying it's just so damn much" Ashby said, letting a hint of the man he used to be shine through.

"I know it is. We all feel that weight. But we're a family. We live together, and we will die together. There's no way to prepare for all of this, but we need to face it. You need to face it. Nothin is easy anymore. Nothing is safe. Every single day is a fight to survive. And this is a fight we have no choice but to win. Together. So get your shit in order. We need YOU to come back" Nick said, hoping his words didn't fall on deaf ears. Ashby looked at him as everyone stopped behind a building to observe their surroundings and catch a breath.

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