Chapter 17

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I heard the sheets rustling in the middle of the night, and it woke me from my slumber. After I blinked rapidly a few times to focus my vision, I looked over at the digital alarm clock on my bedside table. 3:30 a.m. Aish. The room was illuminated in the dull yellow light that my desk lamp gives off. What is Jimin doing up so early? I said his name, my voice raspy, and looked over at him. "Where are you going?" The boy turned to me with a soft smile upon his features.

Slowly, he approached the edge of the bed and squatted before running his hand through my disheveled locks. Instinctively, my eyes shut. "Nowhere, Hyung," he said reassuringly. "Just go back to sleep." When he started to stand up, I grabbed ahold of whatever my hand could reach, which happened to be his fingers. Jimin understood my silent plea for him to lay with me, and he crawled onto the bed and settled down beside me. I frowned slightly at the fact that he wasn't under the covers with me. Oh well. I slipped my arms around his torso snuggling close to his warm, clothed body.

"Don't go anywhere," I mumbled as I rested my head on his chest. He waited a moment before telling me to go back to sleep again. I shrugged the hesitation off. He's probably just sleepy, like me. Deeply inhaling his scent, I focused on counting his heartbeats and drifted off. Right before I slipped into an unconscious state, I could have sworn I heard him whisper a small, 'I'm sorry.'

When I woke up again, it was only 6 a.m. I groaned and squeezed Jimin, who seemed much softer and colder than a human being should be. Wait... My eyes shot open and I stared, mortified at the sight of a pillow in my arms. Last night... what was he doing?

"Jimin?" I sat up and turned on the lamp on my nightstand. "Jimin?" He wasn't anywhere in my room. Our clothes were strewn all over the place now. Since when did a twister blow through my room? Last night... what was he doing?

The words 'Just go back to sleep' played on repeat in my mind. I yelled his name louder as I scrambled to my feet at lightning speed, even though my legs were still half-asleep. I dashed out of the room and ran right into my worried mother, her face still puffy from sleep. "Hoseok-ah? Why are you yelling? What's going on?"

"Have you seen Jimin?"

"No, why?"

"I lost him." And with that I walked around her and ran all throughout the house, frantically searching every room from top to bottom, looking for any signs of that black haired boy. Nothing. I called out his name again and again. Nothing. And again. Still nothing.

Something was definitely wrong. He seemed off after our little getaway and then there was his odd behavior last night. Panic officially took over my rational state of mind and I bolted out the front door. I heard my mom calling my name as I flung myself out into the dark morning, but I paid her no mind. All I wanted in that moment was Park Jimin.

I carelessly sprinted in the direction of his house whilst calling out for him, bumping into a few people who were out walking their dog or heading to work. I wound up slamming directly into a man that was walking the opposite direction. He fell on his butt and rolled onto his hands and knees almost immediately. His suitcase busted open in the grass, which was still wet with dew.

Unlike everyone else I bumped into, this guy didn't curse me out or give me a dirty look. He didn't utter a single word and didn't offer me a single glance. I would help him out, but I don't have time. Finding Jimin is my top priority. I hurtled over the man's small figure and shouted a quick apology without looking back.

I made it to the Park's residence in record time. I reached into my pocket only to find that my pocket wasn't there. I didn't even think to put pants on, and I didn't bring my key. Damn it. Not caring about what time it was, I began pounding my fists against the door. I prayed that the noise would wake his parents, and my prayers were answered. When his appa came to the door, his lips moved, but I didn't hear a thing he said. Instead, I pushed past him and rushed into his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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