Chapter 8

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Saturday mornings are always nice. They're just so blissful for me. They always have been. I cancelled the date I had set with my girlfriend as soon as I woke up today. I really need quality time with Jimin. I sat on his bed while he sat on the floor, both of us still wearing the same clothes we slept in. It was pretty quiet.

He had both of his ears plugged as he scrolled through his phone. I can't see what he's looking at, though. I don't care enough to move and look. I'm feeling pretty lazy. I stared at the book I was pretending to read. I couldn't read it even if I wanted to. Jimin talked in his sleep last night for the first time in a long time. I can't get what he said out of my head. I scrunched my eyebrows and turned a page in the book.

"Hyung... Hoseokie hyung..."
Why do you dream about me?

"You fell off your bed, sweetie. Jimin said you hit your head on the bedside table pretty hard."

"I'm sorry."
What are you sorry for?

"Do you like what you see?"
He blushed quietly.
Since when did my teasing make you uncomfortable?

"You've seen me shirtless hundreds of times! I don't understand why it bothers you now. What has gotten into you, Jiminie-ah?"

"Nothing, hyung."
Why are you lying to me?

Are you dreaming of me again?

"I really do love you, Jimin."

"I love you, too, hyung... But it's different for me..."
What do you mean by 'different?'

'To: Jimini~
How is it different?'
Why didn't you answer my question?

"I can do you."

He blushed and hid a smile.
Why do you blush so much around me?

"You know, you like men a little too much."

"Nah, just you."

"I like you, too." He hid his smile.
What are you trying to hide from me?

"I was just thinking that you need a girlfriend."

"I'm fine without one."
Why wouldn't you want a girlfriend?

"Harder Hyung..."
Who and what the fuck have you been dreaming about?

Jimin is either flustered or defensive around me. It's like he's trying to protect himself from me. I've never hurt him, though. Ever. I don't understand why he feels the need to block me out so much.

When I talk about Hyuna, his entire demeanour changes. I feel like he doesn't like talking about her. Maybe he just doesn't like Hyuna in general. Sometimes his voice will sound sad, but then it bounces right back to its usually happy sound. When his voice slips, I feel like he's only pretending to be happy about my relationship.

If Hyuna makes me happy, wouldn't that make him happy?  Unless... No. That's absurd! Then again, maybe it's not.

"Hey Chim Chim?"

He took one ear bud out and hummed, not looking away from his device.

"Are you gay?"

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