"Who is this?" Yoongi asked as he held up a picture of a 10-year-old kid in front of him

"Who is this?" Yoongi asked as he held up a picture of a 10-year-old kid in front of him

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"That's someone you need to find. His name is Park Jimin" Mike told him while sipping his coffee "He's 21 years old" Mike told him and Yoongi's jaw dropped

"You must be kidding me" He groaned

"He looks like a fucking 10 year-old kid" Yoongi said as he looked at picture again

"That's his perfect defense" Mike said and sighed again "Look, my men were trying to find him for 3 month now and no result"

"Sounds like something I can solve in few seconds" Yoongi smirked down at picture

To say that he was excited to find this Jimin guy would be an understatement

"Man, I feel like a pedophile" Yoongi said as he put the picture down

"It's not like you're going to rape him" Mike rolled his eyes, annoyed

"I know but he looks like a fucking kid" Yoongi said and let out a breath

"Anyways, you know my price... but since Jimin is special I demand to double my sum" Yoongi smirked and Mike groaned "Aish, fine"

"Just bring me the kid alive" Mike warned. Yoongi nodded while smile still played on his face

"You'll have Jimin in 24 hours" Yoongi informed him and grabbed thin file with information, Jimin's picture and was half way out of the door when Mike called his name


"Yes?" Suga said and turned around hallway

"Be careful, Jimin has charms that no one can resist" Mike warned and Yoongi rolled his eyes

"The only thing Park Jimin will be charming tonight will be the back seat of my car"


Yoongi was doing research for the past two hours. Finding and searching for Jimin. Jimin was very easy to find considering the fact that he went out with no guards or protection

Right now Yoongi was secretly following Jimin and saw that Jimin went into dark alley

"Dark alley, kidnap, sounds cliché" Yoongi mumbled and followed silver haired boy

"Excuse me, are you Park Jimin?" Yoongi asked innocently as he tapped Jimin's shoulder

Jimin turned around and smiled kindly

Idiot, run! Yoongi mentally warned him

"Yes, can I help you?" Jimin didn't drop the smile

"Thank God I found you..." Yoongi said happily and hugged the smaller boy

Jimin seemed surprised, Yoongi quickly took out the needle and stabbed Jimin. Jimin whimpered and went limp in Yoongi's arms

"This was easier than I expected..." Yoongi mumbled as he took now limp body bridal style and went to his car. He opened the back seat and gently laid Jimin down

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