"It's a nice night isn't it?" Luke asked stepping out of the car as well. He walked around and leaned against his car as he had done the first night he dropped me off.

"I guess so. Well, thanks for the ride home and the amazing Miley Cyrus performance. And thank you so much for not twerking." I said smiling.

"Now that would have definitely killed us. Me from embarrassment and you from the car crash that would have resulted from wreck-less driving." I laughed slightly and looked up at him. He looked so different than when I see him at school. At school he looks more snobbish and unapproachable. Just that general guy that everybody recognizes as the one who annoys all. But when I am with him and its just us, he's an approachable, sweet, and funny guy that anyone would want to hang around. Why does he have to be such a personality swapping potato all the time!

"Did you just call me a personality swapping potato?" Luke asked interrupting my trance.

"What?! Uhh-Pfff! No! Of course not! That would be really stupid of me! Okay, well, I should go." I quickly turned around before he could see the blush that was quickly changing my cheek color. But history repeated itself and he grabbed my arm pulling me back close again.

"I still haven't come up with a form of payment." He whispered his face dangerously close to mine.

"Well let's see. You let Marren stick around today so take that as a bit of payment." I said trying to play it off cool and keep my blush back.

"But that doesn't account for the tip." He said again moving even closer.


Before I could react he grabbed my chin and turned my head and placed his lips soflty on my cheek. His lips were warm against my skin shooting tingles throughout my body.

"You're cute when you blush this much." He smiled. Once again my attempts at a reaction were cut off. But this time, by something even worse.

"PEYTON! HI SWEETHEART!" The voice of my mother pierced through the silence of the evening.

"Who is your friend?" My mom asked gesturing at Luke. Please tell me she did not see what he just did. I heard her gasp and felt her arm wrap around me. "Is this a boyfriend I see? That would explain the little interaction I just saw!


"Luke," I sighed. "This is my mother, Alice. Mom this is my-"

"Boyfriend." Luke interrupted. The glares i shot him were even colder than ice. "I'm Luke Peyton's boyfriend. It's very nice to finally meet you. And this must be Mr. Stiller! Nice to meet you too sir!"

Could this night get any worse.

"So Marren was not kidding over the phone! Huh doodlebug?" My dad exclaimed.

Never mind. It can get worse.

"Well I should get going. It was a pleasure meeting you both! I'll see you tomorrow Pey!" Luke said getting back into his car.

If I had a bucket list at the moment, I have a feeling murder would be at the top. No particular reason why.

"Oh he seems so sweet honey! And it's so good to see you again! How were things while we were gone? Did Amber get to school everyday? Nasher didn't take the McDonalds's M again did he? Are Jared and Justin doing fine on their trip? Oh! Have Stacy and Drew found an apartment yet? And How is Marren? We spoke to her over the phone a few minutes ago so we know she is staying for a while. The poor girl. I hope things at home eventually get better."

"Everything is fine mom! Don't worry! How was your trip?" I asked hugging my mom.

"Fantastic! We were able to branch out even farther with the company and now we have officially hired five new people!" My dad exclaimed proudly.

"Congratulations daddy!" I said giving my dad a huge hug. "I know how much you've wanted this!"

"Nothing your old man business master can't do! Now, you look exhausted doodlebug. How about you head inside and get ready for bed." He smiled.

My dad smiling is one of the best things in the world. He isn't that old, although he always calls himself an old man. I mean for having six kids plus Marren, he is doing great at 47. He has wrinkles by his eyes because of his constant smiling. Smiling that no amount of stress or work could destroy. He always says that it's myself and my siblings that keep him smiling. He looks the most like Nasher and I. Blondish hair with dimples and brown eyes.

"Sure thing dad."

"Now no texting that boy of yours after dark." He laughed.

"Oh trust me. You do not have to worry about me doing that." I mumbled rolling my eyes. I headed toward my house carrying a bag in for my parents.

"Mom and Dad are back!" I yelled stepping into my home. Everybody rushed to the door excited for the home coming. It's a bit of a family tradition to greet someone who has been away for a while at the door. And once they come in we all cheer like it's a really big deal. Sounds cheesy but it's for family.

So of course we cheered our parents in and I left to get ready for bed and was greeted by an expectant Marren.

"Oh Peyton! We neeeeeeed to talk about a little something that happened earlier! Two things to be exact! Because I do believe Luke was able to slip in a hug, AND a kiss today now wasn't he?" She squealed patting my bed inviting me to sit.

"The reason for hugging is strictly confidential between Luke and I, and believe me it isn't anything you would think it is. And I don''t really know why that kiss out there happened- wait. Were you spying on us?" I asked.

"Give a girl some binoculars and a vantage point and she will see the world!" Marren said throwing her arms in the air.

"First off, you're a creep. Second, where did you get binoculars because I don't own any."

"Oh honey we need to fix that. Sometimes binoculars are a girl's best friend. And I always carry a pair with me." She replied.

"Whay sort of secrets are hidden in those curls of yours?" I questioned laughing.

"Just think of me as the maids from The Princess Diaries. I know everything!" she smiled.


SURPRISE!!!! Bet you never thought you'd get a second chapter in one week! I live for days off from school!

Peyton's parents are home and are basically just some more fun characters. Oh and not too mention that little interaction by the car.

No big announcements really. Enjoy the rest of your week my little skittles!

Comment, vote, follow, and enjoy!

~El the girl who really really wants some bread.

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