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I walked to my locker and placed my guitar in it with care I was closing my locker when heather put her hand in the way and swings the door right back at me hitting me in the face "ow hey this is my lock so go away"I said "oh look at this old dusty guitar I bet you not even good at it"heather said holding my guitar "give it back heather before you brake it"I said reaching for it "what's wrong I'm just holding it"heather said "give it back I'm not playing"I said grabbing it from her hand "fine I don't see the point of you make a fool of yourself loser"heather said walking away with her friends "I wish this day was over already"I said putting my guitar back in my locker and began walking to class when I got there I just sat there waiting for class to began and in the middle of class my head began hurting a lot so I decided to put my head down and try to fall asleep
(In the dream 3person pov)
Y/n was in this big white room walking when the ground gives out under her and she falls into a pool of water and was falling to the bottom but soon the water began to turn blood red and she saw the head of her siblings and the were says thing like "why did you let us die,why did you do this,its all your fault,we all hate you,we hope you go to hell,no one like you" y/n felt like some one was choking her she felt so scared she wanted it all of it to end "I....i.....I'm.....s..s..sorry I to happen"she stutterers
(End of dream your pov)
I felt something smack me hard it woke me up from my nightmare I shot my head up from my table and looked around in a panic to see all the students looking right at me laughing I look behind me to see mrs Jackson holding a book "y/n why were you asleep"he shouted which almost made me cry I calmed myself quickly and went back to my normal voice and said "cause I was tired" "y/n go for a walk right now and don't come back until your ready to learn"mrs Jackson yelled I grabbed my bag and walked out I looked over at the clock I was in the middle of second period so I decided to go to the bathroom so I walked there when I got there I splashed water in my face when I was drying off I looked in the mirror and I saw blood and cuts all over me and the walls I felt blood dripping on me when I looked up I saw the words "kill yourself" written in blood I put my hands over my eyes and said "this isn't real"over and over again for 5 whole minutes when I took my hands away everything was normal no blood no cut no nothing just a normal bathroom I took a deep breath and walked out then I realized my headache went away "wow that was scary" I thought walking to my locker as I was walking the bell rang so I hurried and got my science text book for third period and as soon I got there I sat down (10 minutes later) "okay let's begin dissecting the frogs"ms.sun said so I went ahead and began I cut open the frog and I saw blood come out of the cut and I stopped and raised my hand and the teacher came over "yes y/n something wrong" ms sun said "um yeah I can't dissect this frog"I said "oh why not" ms sun said "oh um cause it's gross"I said hiding the real reason "well if I let every student who said that then no one will be doing it"ms sun said "well I'm not do it no matter what you says"I said we went back and forth "YOU ARE GOING TO DISSECT THIS FROG AND YOUR GOING TO LIKE IT"ms sun yelled she sound so much like my mom when she yelled I felt the tears forming in my eyes and my body began to tremble I then looked back at ms sun and her expectation changed to worried she took a breath and said "y/n go to the library and look up 20 facts about frogs and I'll grade you on that ok" I shook my head yes "ms sun I don't want to dissect the frog ether"heather said "no heather I'm only allowing y/n to skip any dissenting go back to work"ms sun said I take my stuff and as I was walking out I felt like everyone was giving me the death stare and as I was walking to the library I calmed down and went back to my normal face "why did I almost cry everything is fine I probably just had something in my eye"I thought (time skip middle of lunch) I was sitting down drawing alone like normal when I looked up I saw kids standing in front of my table not looking to happy they snatched my sketchbook off the table and threw it to the ground then one kid pulled me out of my chair and threw me to the ground then they began to beat me up and say thing like "loser,idiot,cry baby,go die,go kill yourself , your a mistake, and no one likes you" after 5 minutes of it they left I was laying there bruises all over my face I got up and heather came walking over "do you like my friends I told them what you did in science and they did not like it"she said happily "go away"I said "if you tell anyone that I'm or any of my friends are beating you up I'll make your life hell" she said then the bell rang I went to my lock for my guitar and went right to music "y/n what happened"ms apple said "nothing I fell in fine" I said "ok sit down in front of the class and play your guitar and if you want you can sing as well"ms apple said I sat down next to heather who also had a guitar I put my guitar on my lap and and began to play

Broken (adopted reader x undertale)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang