ch14 what's happening

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I woke up the dim light of my room hitting my eyes I try to pull the cover over my eyes but soon realized that my arm were once again restrained by the straitjacket so I flipped over to my side so I was facing the wall "good morning y/n" lily said "mmmmm" I mumbled "um lily remember she is not a morning person" Nate said I tried to go back to sleep but not even five minutes later the breakfast alarm went off

Soon after I heard the door open "good morning y/n I'm Kelly I'll be you nurse" Kelly said sounding very happy "come on sit up" Kelly then pulled off the cover and pushed my up so I was sitting un did my straitjacket and handed me a tray with eggs and bacon on it and a bottle of apple juice "so while you eat I'm going to brush your hair and tell you what your schedule is" Kelly said I nodded 'yes' "ok well when I'm done brushing your hair you'll have a hour to play in here then you have to go to ms frisk for therapy that will take an hour and you have all day in here to play until bed ok" Kelly said as she did my hair I talked to lily and Nate to pass the time and to wake up

I sat strapped down to the chair in ms frisks office talking to Nate while Lily watches my bears in my room "good morning y/n"frisk said walking in "how are you today" "I'm good how bout you"I said "oh I'm great so let us get down to business tell me why did you have those knifes" frisk said "oh in case the demon came back " I said "tell me were you going to hurt yourself or anyone else" frisk said "no of course not but that kid who was screaming he brought back some bad memories" I said "you want to talk about the old memories" frisk said I looked over at Nate he was shaking his head 'no' "um I don't really want to" I said frisk turned around to Nate and then back to me "who were you looking at" she said "Nate Lily is back in my room" I said frisk leaned on the edge of her seat "is Nate and lily telling you to hurt yourself or others and to bring those knifes" she whispered "what no they would never they just want to protect me" I said shocked "calm down I'm just asking so tell me why did you bring the knifes in" she said sitting back in her chair " like I said before in case the demon came back" I said worried "what does the demon look like" she said writing something down "well it's tall,sharp teeth,black and has blood red eyes" I said panicking just thinking about him "relax slow your breathing everything is ok tell me how tall is it" frisk said "it is about 9 maybe 10 feet tall oh and has claws" I said calming down "well y/n I believe that you created Lily Nate and those demons because you want attention and sense you couldn't get it from toriel or the others that is what you went for "she said I began to panic and dig my fingers into the chair biting down on my chin frisk soon caught on to what was happening "how about we continue this tomorrow"she said I nodded 'yes' and the guards took me back to my room

I laid on the floor of my room just trying to relax "y/n what's wrong"Lily said concerned "oh just thinking about what ms frisk was talking about" I said "what do you mean" Lily said "let me explain that frisk lady she thinks you and me are trying to hurt y/n and when we are not and that we are not real" Nate said "wait are you serious I can't believe she would do that"Lily said "yeah she's probably really stupid or something" I said "y/n I just want you to know that we will never leave you again" Nate said "I was just thinking what if she's right"I said smiling "don't ever listen to her about us she's wrong" Lily said annoyed

I closed my eyes for like 1 minute when I opened my eyes lily and Nate was not there the light was flickering the once white walls was covered in what looked like dried blooded the sounds of screaming filled the hallway "lily Nate this isn't funny"I said very scared I got up and walked to the window and looked into the hallway the screaming stopped almost mediately and I began to hear quite footsteps echo threw the hallway then the demon comes walking down the hallway and turns it's head to me it walked up to the door and opened it and walked into the room I walked backwards onto my bed "oh look your all alone what did I say if you were alone" it said getting close to me "you'll let me go and never bother me again" I said it just bursted out laughing "oh your a really funny girl" it said I put my head down I just waiting for it to kill me it put its claw on my chin and forced me to look at it "oh your such a pretty girl to bad you have to die" I began crying and screaming I was just to scared everything quickly went back to normal but I didn't stop crying soon toriel and the others came running in trying to come me down but nothing worked so they just stuck a needle in my neck and so I fell asleep after I woke up lily and Nate apologized to me once again and that they are stupid and stuff so we just spent the rest of the day just talking

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