Ch 15 gaining back sanity

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(2 months later)
I was sitting on the floor with Lily and Nate like always but I noticed they were acting strange "hey guys what's wrong" I said concerned they then turned to each other and back at me "um y/n me and lily want you to know even if we're not here physically we will still be here in your heart and memories ok" Nate said "what do you mean" I said worried "me and Nate can no longer stay we have to leave" Lily said "but you said you'll never leave" I said protesting "I'm very sorry but we must leave" Nate said then they got up and left I just sat there thinking about why they had to leave "oh they'll be back by tomorrow  I'm sure of it" I said happily very sure I was right

(2 weeks later now you all was sound depressed)

"They'll be back tomorrow I said I'm sure of it I said what a fool I am" I said laying down on the floor of my room arms and legs spread out bored left with nothing but my thoughts and memories frisk was out on vacation so I can't see her "my mom was right I'm nothing but a waste of time and space" I said flipping over to my side I looked over at the door and noticed it was cracked open I got up and took off my straitjacket threw it on my bed and walked out the door trying not to get caught

I kept walking until I got to the rec room undyne and sans was not out side the room thankfully I walked in grabbed a box of color pencils and paper  and went to a table all the way in the back of the room and sat there and drawled soon I heard alarms going off but I didn't care after a few minutes I looked up to see gaster sans toriel and undyne at the doors looking around the room gaster and I made eye contact I went back to drawing "what are you doing out of your room young lady" gaster said I stayed quiet "hey kiddo did you hear him"sans said still I said nothing "something wrong y/n you would at least look up" toriel said still nothing undyne then grabbed the back of my shirt "undyne no don't be so ruff" toriel said I stopped listening but soon gaster sans and undyne leave toriel sits down in the chair a cross from me she tried to talk to me but I never answered her "y/n please talk to me I care about you very much please"toriel begged I took a deep breath and said "isn't funny how a mother can have so many kids and never care about a single one" toriel gave me a confused and worried look "what do you mean" I took a heavy sigh "um can I go to your office I want to tell you stuff" I said "oh of course my child" toriel said I got up took the color pencils and paper to her offices

In her office was a couch a coffee table and a chair I put the stuff down on the table and sat down on the couch "ok y/n what do you want to talk about" toriel said pulling out a clipboard I sigh once again "I want to tell you about what my other parents did to me and my siblings first do you know who lily and Nate are to me" I said "well from what miss frisk has told me they are two people who you made up because you wanted attention' toriel said "no your completely wrong they are my older siblings Nate is was 16 and lily was 15 before they died" I said I put my head down looking at the floor "oh that is horrible" toriel said worried "let me start from the beginning" I said looking back up at toriel I began to tell her about what my parents did to me in full detail no mate how much it hurt

(40 minutes later) I just finished telling toriel basically the story of my life and we were sitting in silence I quickly noticed that toriel had tears in her eyes "oh I must have just ruined your whole day my mom was right everything I say is a mistake" I said toriel then pulled me into a big hug "a mother should never treat her children like that same with a father it must have been so hard for you its ok to cry" toriel said "it was it was so very hard" I said beginning to cry into her shoulder I felt physically and mentally exhausted and in pain from having to remember so much so soon enough I fell asleep in her arms

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