Ch 12 another therapist visit

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I woke up and took a big stretch "good morning y/n" lily said "good morning guys I better go get breakfast are you guys coming"I said getting out of bed " no we'll be up here ok" Nate said I gave them a smile and left to get breakfast "good morning my child I was going to wake you up early but you looked so peaceful" toriel said "morning" I said Sitting down " how do you feel kiddo" sans said "I feel great I had the best sleep knowing that lily and Nate were with me" I said "oh they're still around I thought they would have left by now" gaster said worried "why would they do that they are staying forever" I said "my child I want you to get dressed cause we are taking you out again" toriel said "are you taking me back to your hospital" I said "well we just want you to go in and talk to frisk again" alpys said "no" I said "your going if you like it or not" undye said "can I wear my pajamas there" I said "fine but you have to wear a bra and when we tell you to put something else on you have to do it" gaster said "okay" I said

then I ran up to my room pulled out two teddy bears red and green that jack gave me two sandwich bag full of jellybeans a box cutter and a pocket knife "hey y/n what are you doing" Lily said "oh it's nothing" I said "I heard what you guys were talking about um why are you going to a hospital" Nate said "oh it's a mental hospital I've been there to talk to one of there friend I'll explain in the car" I said I then opened the back hidden zipper to the green teddy bear and put the bags of jellybeans in it and closed it I did the same with the red bear but with the box cutter and knife "um what's up with the knife" Nate said "oh just in case that demon with the red eyes attacks me again" I said so on the drive there I told Lily and Nate what ms frisk did to me last time I was there when we arrived they took me straight to ms. Frisks office

"good morning y/n and how are you" ms frisk said walking in "I'm great thanks" I said "ok who were you talking to before I came in" she said concerned "Lily and Nate I'm sure toriel told you about them" I said "oh well can they please leave well we talk" she said then Nate eyes narrowed and left with Lily "ok what do you want to talk about" I said "so tell me why do you see them" she said "cause there alive" I said "have you been getting enough sleep" she said "yes" I said she then wrote something down "ok has anything traumatic happened to you recently" she said "not that I remember" I said "I noticed that home made band aid on you cheek can I see what happened I'll be careful" she said "sure" I said leaning forward in the chair she then began to slowly remove the band aid then after a few seconds she put it back "ok I'm going to leave you alone for a little bit I'll be right back" she said then she left and locked the door behind her

I just sat there in silence I called out to my siblings but no body came in the corner of the room I noticed that something was standing there starting at me so I look over and it was the same demon from the last time I came here I got up and began to walk backwards until I hit the other corner and slid down the wall and put my knees up to my chest and I watched as the demon walk over to its red eyes looking into my soul I put my hands over my eyes and then rested my head on my knees I began to feel its hot breath on me and its claw running threw my hair and it whispered "next time your alone you will not survive cause I'll kill you" I felt my finger nails dig into my forehead not deep enough for scarring and I began screaming and crying then door opens up and I hear footsteps coming towards me and I feel something fluffy run over the back of my neck I look up and see toriel with a worried look on her face "are you ok my child" toriel said I nodded 'yes' toriel then pulled me into a hug "what happened" toriel said "it was the demon with the red eyes" I said toriel let go of the hug and gave me a very worried look "ok please follow me" toriel said I got up and grabbed the plastic bag with my two teddy bears and followed

her into a room that has white walls a camera in the corner a table and two chairs "put this on my child I got you long sleeves just how you like it " toriel said handing me tan colored clothes and pink slippers "no" I said "hey remember that deal you have to put it on" toriel said "fine but why are you giving me clothes that are meant for patients here" I said "oh we'll explain later" toriel said walking out I began to take off my onesie "man that is some ugly ass color" lily said "oh yeah where's Nate" I said "oh he's outside cause he wants to give you privacy well you get changed" she said "ok" I said putting the new clothes on "sorry about what happened the door was locked so we couldn't get in and we couldn't hear you" Lily said "oh it's okay just please never leave me alone again" I said putting on the slippers then toriel walks back in "follow me I'm taking you to the rec room" toriel said taking my onesie from the table "what's that" I said grading my bag again "oh it's a room were you can talk to other patients" toriel explained

Broken (adopted reader x undertale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora