Chapter 37

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I run to my car and lock myself inside.
This has reached a new level.
Mason has been rude and stupid before but this is just too much...

It only took him one night to tell the first person he found that we had a sexual moment, one freaking night!

Who does that?

I am not embarrassed of what we did because there is no reason to me embarrassed, and I don't give two fucks if Mery knows or not, the thing that is driving me insane is the way he said it, as if it didn't mean anything to him, as if he was doing me a favor.

I bet Mery is tired of hearing the same thing over and over again... I guess this is what he does; he meets someone, uses the 'boy with problems' bullshit and gets them in bed, only to ruin them later.

How could I be so stupid? How could I be so damn stupid?

Even my mom told me about it. My mom!

I'm not crying anymore. Actually, I'm not even mad at him. I am mad at myself.

I take a couple minutes to calm myself down, and when my conditions allow it, I drive back to my dorm.

I open the door and Morgan is sitting on her chair, Josh is on the bed.
I wish they were not here...

"Hey Jess!" She smiles

"Hi" I try to fake a smile.

"What's up Jess? I haven't seen you in forever!" Josh hugs me

"I'm good thanks. I'm so sorry but I only came to change into some clean clothes, I need to go get some paper work done" I lie.

What I really want is to get out of here, to be alone.
I take a quick shower and change into clean and comfortable cleans.

I leave the dorm and head to my car.

I don't know where to go, or what to do... I thought Morgan was not going to be here and I would lay in bed and watch a movie, maybe get some work done.

I drive and drive and I finally stop next to an old book shop in town.

I've never been here before, but the place looks old and perfect at the same time. There are thousands of books and ladders to reach them.

Maybe getting lost in a book will help get my mind to stay away from Mason and the amount of bad vibes that thinking about him brings me right now.

I find a book that I think I may like; it is called "Anna's Rainbow". I try to take it off the shelf, but it is so full that when I get to take it off, another five books collapse into the floor.

"Let me help you" I look up to a brunette boy with bright blue eyes.

"Thanks" we pick up all the books from the floor.

"I'm Daniel"

"Jessica, nice to meet you" I smile at him.

"I've never seen you around here"

"Yeah, well, I was looking for a peaceful place to get away from... things, and I found this shop"

"I work here, if you are looking for a peaceful spot, you are in the right place" He looks really sweet.

"Yeah... This place looks quiet and peaceful" I say looking around. There is not a lot of people, and the few faces I spot are peacefully reading a book.

"Yeah, my grandma opened this when she was 29, now she is too old to be moving the books and the heavy boxes, so I come and help her now and then"

"Really? That is so sweet"

"Yeah I guess" he laughs "em... do you want to go for a coffee or something? Just to help you get away from whatever made you come here" He asks shyly.

"Sure" I don't think there's anything that can make me forget about what Mason did to me but, coffee is always a good idea...

We walk outside the small book shop
"There is a really nice coffee shop close by"

We walk there while he tells me a bit of the story of the bookshop.

We come into the place, which is really nice, and sit on a small couch that is place in front of a table.

We talk for almost three hours straight. He was born in this town and always lived with his grandparents. Then when he was 16 he moved to California, but came back when his granddad died to help his grandma with the book shop and a vintage shop she owns, he is now 19.

He has such a positive vibe that makes me feel comfortable and just... happy.

I tell him my story too, it is so easy to talk to him!

We exchange numbers and I go back to my car.

I drive to Logan's so that we can talk about the event.

When I leave his place is not really late yet, so I drive to the mall to get myself a dress for the night: I choose a long black dress with a cut on the leg that goes up to the waist, Angelina Jolie kind of thing.

Then I buy a pair of shoes and I'm ready for the big day.

While I'm doing all these things, I keep talking to Daniel by text; he is really funny and sweet.

I'm happy I met him today... I feel like I should surround myself with more positive and nice people, like him, and forget about assholes like Mason.

Heeeeeey guys!!!!

Today I'm sharing these two chapters with you:)

I really hope you are enjoying the story and I want to thank you for commenting on my previous chapters, that makes me happy.

See you on Wednesday with Chapter 38.

Muuuuch love💖

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