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"Son how are you?" I look at a pathetic excuse for a father. "Talk to me." He laid there in a cell. Looking exactly as me. Helpless, fearful...small. He was no longer the huge, powerful Alpha he used to claim he was. Telling me time and time again that his son I was not. That if he could, he would kill me. He had told me he would feed me to the rogues if he had a chance. But even they wouldn't want garbage like me. He definitely tore done any if any confidence I once had.

"I slept. In a bed. It was comfortable. Not something I was used to. Also, had breakfast on a table with Vance." I sat down in front of him. Looking into his 'sad' eyes. "Half the food was unfamiliar to me. But it was the best food I ever had. I know it because the only foods I ever knew were: bread, apple and water. Is that considered food?" I asked him. But he didn't answer. He only sat back, trying not to look into my eyes. "I also took a bath. I have never take one in my life. Well I did, in the lake. But did you know there was actual product that makes you smell good? I sure as hell didn't know."

"Mercer." My dad breathed out. "You have to understand."

"What do I have to understand!!? That I was rejected for unknown reason? That my own damn parents could care less if I was on fire!? I was lost and scared. My wolf cried at why his dad didn't want him. Why his mother didn't want to hold him. We were terrified and alone with nobody else. Since we could remember at all, all we knew was the cold harsh world. It was all we knew. There was no hope.. no love. I don't know how to read. Is that normal? I'm seventeen years old.. I think and I can't read... 'Mercer'... I never heard my own damn name either." That was my name?

"Every time your mom saw your face all she could see was the rapist..."

"So what? It was my fault? I don't understand I don't think I ever will. What you think if I forgive you we are going to go back upstairs and just live like a family? What was done definitely can't be undone. We are stuck this way and there is no one else to blame." I stood up. "Mother." I only nod at her. Then I look at my siblings.

"My name is Mercer. Nice to meet you." I introduce myself. "Ri..hello." I look away. "As you all know I have found my mate. He is a rogue and will help me avenge the life I have lived which include all of you."

"You have always been a useless mutt. Our lives would have been better without you. We wouldn't have even noticed if you fell off the planet. Understand that, that's all you'll ever be. Don't think you are all mighty just because you a powerful mate. He will leave you once he sees you for who you really are." I turned to my mother and smiled at her.

"I wondered why they didn't bury you alive. They told me it was because they wanted me to watch you suffer.. I met a girl named Rose. She was also born from the product of her mother being a slut." My birthgiver growled loudly grabbing the bars and trying to get them open. "She's angry and full of rage too. You know who else? About all the rogues you saw yesterday. They are ready to do anything I order then to do. Including tearing you to shreds. So right about now, they will come down here, go into your cell and tear you apart." I turn around, ignoring her calls.

"We will do anything you order us to do Luna." Vito answered. His wolf taking place. Along with all the other members. "Do you want us to kill her?"


I sat on the steps as they taunted her. I heard her screams and whimpers but she couldn't fight back. Not when they were biting off her arms. Keeping away from her head, neck and organs so she didn't die fast. "Vito, what the hell are you doing." Vito only growled as mother yelled loudly. He was long gone and in his place was the beast. "Sluts get what they deserve." As vile and insane as I sound, she deserves everything they are doing to her.

"Just kill the bitch." Joseph laughed maniacally.

"Patience Joseph."

"How do you like it?! To be treated like scum. The only difference is you actually are scum of this planet. You throwing your hate to your own pup. Die, close your eyes. Why are you still alive!?" Mother suddenly stopped screaming. "She's dead."

"You are all going to die!!" Father growled loudly. He was growling and reaching out the cell doors trying to escape. "I will kill you!!! You worthless, pieces of shit!" He kept cursing and yelling. Spitting all sorts of words. His wolf threatening all of us.

"Nothing worse than dying from a broken heart. Who's the worthless, piece of shit now. Can't function without a slut." Joseph taunting him again. Getting close to his cell. Growling playfully as father tried to claw at him. "You're not being a good boy." Joseph wiggled his fingers. "Bye bye. Bad boys don't get to play."

At this rate the only thing that is bothering me is their background stories.

Surprise :) I'm rolling.. Here's another chapter. Thank you again for the support :) the next chapter will only for their background stories

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