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My eyes snap open and realization hits me, I'm not lying, crawled up on a cold hard ground under a tree. Instead I was wrapped up with a red, fluffy... blanket. My back feels relief at the softness underneath me. The touch is unfamiliar but it feels comfortable. I don't feel the bumpy rocks nor the dirt. I sit up and look down at my hands, pinching myself. I was awake and I was clean. No dirt in sight of my thin pale arms, the only sign of neglect were the bruises. The ones I knew would never heal and would follow me to my early grave but I don't think I'll be leaving to an early grave any time soon.

With nothing else better to do I always listened to pack members bragging about their loving mates. I cures Always showing up and showering them with flowers at their jobs. Protecting them from unwanted attention. Mates would die for each other. Sacrifice their own life to protect each other but there is still no way they would be able to live without each other. Dying of a broken heart sounds awful. This would be because the love of your life has gone away. Your other half. They die with your heart in their clutches.

"I see you're awake, Angel." Startled I look up at the rough voice who had spoken to me. Then I smile. It's only Vance. My mate. "I washed you, bathed you. Darling, you are gorgeous." Vance growled, his eyes glowing. But I felt shame washing over me. He saw me naked. "You were asleep for a couple of days. It must have been too long since you ever took a decent rest. No worries now, you are able to rest and relax. I will protect you my love. From those who wish to do you harm. I want to shelter you." Vance came up to me then wrapped me up in a warm embrace. This is what it felt like to be held.. Loved? Does he love me? Is he attracted to me?

"I'm feeling hungry." I really did not know how to respond to his words that made me feel so safe. It made me feel weird inside my stomach. But there was no longer a weight on my shoulders. A weight that kept telling me that happiness was not at the end of this dark tunnel. The one that insisted I just suck it up cause this was my destiny. My wolf fearing everything, twitching at his own shadow like a tortured puppy. I was the Alpha's son and look at me. I was laying down in my own misery. But this misery was not created by me. This was created by my self loathing, selfish, ignorant parents. The ones who only looked out for their own. When there was war I had to find my own hiding spot and pray the enemy did not capture me and take me hostage.

Now there was a man calling me Angel, but he was my Angel because he rescued me and took me into his pack without a second thought.

"I had some of the pack members cook something up for you. They are great cooks actually. Especially Rose. She is great." Vance complimented.

"I want to learn to cook too." I really did. I wanted to know how to feed myself when no one else was available to do so.

"Sometime in the future, for now you will learn to sit down and look pretty. My pretty little mate." Vance pulled me in for a deep kiss. I didn't move, I never kissed anybody before. This was a foreign feeling I was feeling again. Then he bit my lip harshly causing me to wince and try to pull back. But Vance's hands were now in my hair, pulling me closer to him. I felt as if my face was turning blue from the lack of oxygen. Vance moved away from my mouth and kissed d0wn my neck. "You look good there in our bed." He bit down gently and then began putting his hands up my shirt. "I'll call them to bring up the food."

"Honestly, Vance. Why don't we just eat down there?"

"Angel, why are you questioning me?" Vance pulled my hair, making my head forced back. "We are eating here and that's, that."

"Vance.. you're hurting me. I just want to meet everyone else." I winced as he let go of me and stood up. "Is that not okay?"

"Of course it is. Get up. We are going to meet them. Will you stop whining then?" I nod, not saying anything else. "Here. Slippers." Vance put them on the ground. They were black and furry. "I had them made especially for you. Out of real fur." They felt extremely comfortable. "Do you like them?"

Mercer the Bastard Child Where stories live. Discover now