Bastard Child

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"I can't believe you even thought I'd love you. You were born out of rape." My father spat at me. Everybody was now stopping to watch the scene of the Alpha shaming his own son. "You are nothing but a disgrace. You don't belong in this pack... Bastard child." Every word that was spoken by him was a slap to the cheek. A stab at my skin, reminding me what I am-

"A Bastard child." I muttered as he walked away, leaving me in the pouring storm, the droplets of rain hitting against my uncovered skin harshly. This was a punishment for me even thinking of stepping inside the house where my mom was currently sheltered in. Where my brothers and sisters are too. Everyone continued on with their day, I heard my 'name' being spoken but I didn't care, I was used to it by now.

I look up at the grey sky and close my eyes, letting the raindrops hit my face and drip down my neck. Looking at the property of this house I decide to roam around. At least I was allowed to do just that. I wore a sweater somebody lent me out of pity along with some sweatpants. They were both too big but they covered me completely. If there was a possible way to leave this madness I would but I am a prison in this pack. There is far too much they think I know but I actually do not know or am interested in the 'secrets of the pack.' I learned this when I attempted to cross the territory line and leave this forsaken place. I barely made it a mile in until there was a search party out for my head.

My Alpha submitted me into fear, to never leave this territory because even though I was a 'disgrace' and 'bastard child,' I could not leave because of my 'knowledge' of this pack. What knowledge?

There was much time in my hands, no schooling allowed, no job, no contact with anybody in the pack.

I was a total mistake.

But even out of all the cruelty I am put through there is still a little bit of hope in me that maybe, just maybe I will meet my soul mate, they will love me and take me out of this hell.. somehow.

"Here.. some warm bread." I look at Ri. We snuck around, she gave me food because she felt bad for me. Her words not mine. But Ri did not want to be seen helping me out, afraid to lose her position as one of the youngest werewolf patrols. Ri could not be seen helping me, I was the runt of the pack. She was the beautiful one yet she still helped me.

"Thank you." I told her, taking the warm bread, letting it warm up my hands first before my hunger. I looked around the woods to make sure nobody was watching me here, I huddle against another tree and felt the warmness of it hit nicely in my stomach. Reminding me how good warm food felt.

"No problem, look, I have to go. I am leaving for a few weeks so I won't be able to give you food. I'm sorry. I'll see you when I get back." Ri eyed me before both our eyes snapped to where there was howling home from. She shifted and ran towards the noise. I went the exact opposite way. My bare feet getting filthy from the mud, I ran towards the house and quickly scanned to see where it is I would be hiding.

War was being declared. I was going to die. This was not suppose to happen, this isn't suppose to happen. This pack is at peace right now with every pack in a thousand mile radius. Who pissed off who? I had no time to wonder as I climbed up the three story house, up the roof. If anything, I would jump. I rather die at my own hand than at the hands of other wolves or worse, rouges.

I lean down and hide behind the chimney, facing the woods where the howls were coming from. A siren ran through the winds, this was war. My father was preparing for the fight he was about to face after hiding mother, and the rest of his family. Not even caring for my safety. There was no where to hide in the middle of the woods. It was our house and a bunch of a lot of little cabins. We did not associate ourselves with the outside world, there was so much I haven't seen and I will never see. I am going to die down there or somehow survive. But at this point in my life there was nothing holding me back, I had nothing to live for.

I look down and see very large werewolves running into the clearing, blood covering their nuzzles. They made it through security. I am going to die. I see more warriors also preparing for the fight. We have no chance. Then the ultimate  Alpha of... rouges. This could not have been possible.

Rouges are worse than humankind or so I heard. If they catch their prey they don't snap their necks, they rip out their organs and watch their victims die in amusement. If pups are born in rouge form they are taught to kill before they can even shift. They see more blood than a soldier or warrior.

If your pack banishes you, you are not a rouge until you prove yourself worthy of belonging somewhere other than just yourself. But if you are by yourself you have a higher chance of being killed by a hunter. A pack offers protection and loyalty even if said pack is a bunch of rouges. I heard that they are the most faithful of them all. But you have to offer them something. Always.

I have no chance of surviving if these rouges are going to kill everybody here...  I have to jump before they notice me up here. There is no other way out.

I look back to my father battling the Alpha of this rouge pack. His eyes purely black and his fur purely black, you couldn't see the blood. Father put up a fight until he was shoved to the ground and his neck was being stepped on. It seemed effortless. Then I hear my mother scream along with my brothers and sisters. They were being pulled out of the house and next to my dad. Thrown on the ground like rag dolls. None of them struggle as they fear the rouges wrath. I see everyone else being pulled out of their cabins and thrown on the ground too.

I am the only one out of their grips and I am terrified.

"Where. Are. They." The Alpha spoke, a deep growl with every word.

"You will never know. For all you know they could be dead." Wrong words my dad picked. One of the Alpha's members kicked him hard in his stomach. This had my dad coughing out blood.

"You took people that belonged to me. I want them alive, tell me where they are." There was much authority in his voice, even from up here it made me shiver.

What did my dad take? Well, who did he take?

"I will kill your whole family." Dad looked at my mom and sister and brothers.

"I- they are in my basement." He confessed. The Alpha nodded at the one who had kicked my dad and he was off to the basement, entering the house. Please don't let this be my downfall. He was too concentrated in finding somebody rather than me. Not even minutes later he came back out of the house with two little pups cradled in his arms. They whimpered happily.

"Take them home. Bring two guards with you." The Alpha rouge ordered. But before he left he whispered into his ear and both their eyes snapped up to the roof. I quickly turned away. I hoped they hadn't seen me. Please don't let them have seen me. A low growl was heard by my ears. I quickly turn around and see a werewolf. I stood up and back away. It was now or never. I ran towards the ledge and jumped.

I was free. I was finally going to be free.

Big arms wrapped around me, where is the hard cement? I open my eyes and see black eyes staring down at me.

"Bastard child." My father growled. I whimpered as I faced somebody bigger than me. He was going to rip my organs out.

I see my family on their knees with bigger wolves behind them. I see my father on the ground with... A foot on his neck. Everybody's eyes were on me. "Mate.. My.. Angel. From heaven." His words were short and I just comprehended what he meant. "What is your name?"

"Mate?" I heard my dad whisper. I was his latch.

"Bastard child." I whispered.

"Don't lie son, tell him your name!" My dad muttered.

"Angel." He whispered in my ear after he pulled me closer, if possible. "You're my Angel." I shivered slightly and stood still in his arms. Afraid to make any sudden movement. Especially being surrounded by some of the most vicious creatures known to man. I could be dead in an instant.

"Who said you can look?" Growled one of the rouges. Pushing my mother's head.

"My name is Vance. This is your family?" I looked over my family. Their fate lies in my hands. My mother looked at me with pleading eyes as did my dad. "I will let them go if you tell me to."

"I have no family."

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