Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

     It's Jean's turn to be surprised, "You're an angel?  Like an actual angel?"

     "Yep, the name's Gabriel."  Jean turns to face Gabriel which causes her delicious scent to drift over to him again.  Once again, his wings flare and the blue feathers fluff up in a mating display.  Suddenly, an idea of just what the female Winchester is occurs to him, but he's having a hard time believing it, after all, they're incredibly rare.

     "Wait, as in the archangel Gabriel?  The messenger of God?" Jean asks, staring at his wings in awe.

     "The very same, sweetheart," Gabriel replies, fluffing his wings even more in an attempt to impress her.

     "So, what's an archangel doing impersonating a trickster?  And why are your wings puffing up like that? Why can I see your wings when others can't?  If angels are real, how come other hunters haven't seen one before?  Since angels exist, does that mean God exists too?  And the Devil?  Does God know that I read smut in public?  Do I have to stop reading smut and watching Casa Erotica?"

     Gabriel's eyebrows shoot up towards his hairline in amusement and he chuckles, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!  One question at a time, sweetheart."  He then snaps his fingers and a bottle of unflavored vodka and different colored skittles appear on the table.  "Skittle bomb?  Which is, in my opinion, one of the best concoctions humans ever invented.  Go ahead and help yourself, I have a feeling this is going to take a while."  She looks at the skittles then at him before picking out all the green ones and putting them into the bottle of vodka.  As she begins to shake the bottle of alcohol in order to dissolve the candy, Gabriel starts to answer her questions.  "Pretending to be a trickster is my own version of the witness protection program.  You see, thousands of years ago, before Luci was cast out of Heaven, he and Mikey were constantly fighting."  Gabriel's wings droop in sadness and his feathers finally lay down flat.  Jean pours him a glass of vodka and passes it to him before pouring herself a glass.  Gabriel takes a sip of the drink before continuing, "I got tired of my brothers fighting all of the time, so I faked my own death and came down to Earth disguised as a trickster."

     He waits for any questions Jean might have so far, but she remains silent, clearly enjoying the cake and vodka.  Finally Jean looks at him and says, "I can understand why you left.  I have two idiot brothers that fight a lot too.  As a matter of fact, them fighting is one of the reasons why I'm here right now."

     Gabriel laughs and his eyes shine in amusement, "I knew you'd understand, sweetheart.  Anyway...yes, God exists.  No, you don't have to quit reading smut or watching bad pornos.  Dad has better things to do other than sit around on a cloud all day taking names of everyone who's watching, reading, or looking at porn."  Or at least he did who knows what Dad is doing now; Gabriel adds inside of his head but doesn't dare tell the Winchester sister that.

     Jean sighs in relief and finishes her cake, "That's kinda a relief to know that lightning isn't going to come from the sky and strike me dead because I'm reading YAOI manga."

     Gabriel chuckles and his feathers fluff again, "No, but if you ever want to do more than read about sex, I'm more than willing to offer you my services."  He grins and waggles his eyebrows at her.

     Jean laughs, "So tell me about angels.  Why hasn't any hunter encountered an angel before now?"

     "Angels tend to stay in Heaven unless they're in the garrison that's in charge of watching the Earth, but even then they mostly just watch, very rarely do we interact with people."

     Jean looks at him in confusion, "I thought angels are supposed to protect and guide people?"

     Gabriel shakes his head, "Angels are warriors of God, not human consciences.  There are a few rare humans, most of which are prophets, that are assigned a guardian angel, but the angel's job is to keep their charge alive and that's it."

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