Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed, or Gundam Seed Destiny

Chapter 13

Cagalli couldn't stop running! She was tried and out of breath, however she also couldn't stop. She feared Yunna was close behind; she feared he had followed her out of the palace. All Cagalli knew was she needed to keep running. She needed to be somewhere safe. She needed to get home.

She still couldn't believe what Yunna had tried to do to her?! In all her years she'd known him, she'd never thought he would do something so slow like that!

Cagalli hated herself for letting this happen. Why couldn't she have been stronger than him?! Why couldn't she fight Yunna off?! She couldn't believe she was so weak that she let him do that her... and in front of Athrun and the others. She just proved to them all she was nothing but a weak little girl.

Cagalli continued to wipe the tears falling from her eyes as she ran to the safety of her home. That was one place she knew Yunna would not come for her; where Mwu and Murrue would protect her. Thankfully she didn't need to run any longer.

She spotted the house and headed straight towards it hoping Mwu and Murrue where there. As she swung the door open she ran straight into a body, sending them falling backwards and her on top. She looked through watery eyes to see she had fallen on Murrue.

"Sorry," Cagalli whispered, as she tried to hide her tearier face.

Cagalli started to get up however was stopped as Murrue grabbed her by the shoulders. Cagalli looked down too afraid to show her tear stricken face to Murrue. Cagalli was scared to tell Mwu and Murrue what happened. She knew they would kill Yunna for what he'd done; and at the moment Yunna was under the King's protection. The last thing Cagalli wanted was for her family to be harmed.

"Cagalli what happened?" Murrue said, as she grabbed the blonde's chin and examined her face.

Cagalli heard Murrue gasp so she quickly pulled her face away and stood. Cagalli didn't want to be questioned. She wasn't sure she could answer Murrue's questions without breaking into tears again.

"Nothing," Cagalli said wiping at her tears. She started towards her room, however was stopped again but this time someone grabbed onto her arm.

Cagalli looked back at Mwu and narrowed her eyes. She wasn't ready... she couldn't tell them. Cagalli tried to break out of Mwu's hold however he was too strong.

"Cagalli what the hell happened?" Mwu said, turning Cagalli to look at him.

Cagalli tried to look away, tried to hide but it wouldn't work. "Please don't," Cagalli whispered. However, she knew Murrue and Mwu wouldn't listen; they knew something was wrong and won't stop until they heard what had happened to Cagalli.

Cagalli slowly turned her face towards Mwu and Murrue. She heard the gasp in Murrue's voice again and felt Mwu let go of her arm.

"Cagalli what happened? Who did this to you?" Mwu yelled. His anger getting the better of him. 

They could finally see what Cagalli was hiding. Cagalli looked like a mess. Her hair was in knots, her cheek and eyes red and her dress was wrinkled and ripped.

"Cagalli what happened?" Murrue said taking the blonde in her arms. Murrue couldn't believe what she was seeing. Cagalli looked like she had been in a fight and lost. Just looking at Cagalli's red eyes Murrue knew the young blond had been crying.

"N...Nothing..." Cagalli said. She hugged Murrue back as tightly as she could. Right now Cagalli didn't want to say anything, she wanted to stay like this. Be safe with Murrue and Mwu. Cagalli could feel the tears building up again and before she could stop them she started crying.

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