Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed, or Gundam Seed Destiny

Chapter 12


"Cagalli," Murrue whispered, making the blonde turning her attention to Murruw. Smiling Murrue wrapped her arms around Cagalli and pulled her into a tight embrace. Murrue was so glad Cagalli was okay... she had felt guilty for leaving Cagalli and Stella alone on that ship. Everyday since Murrue regretting leaving the two alone. She shouldn't have left them alone; she should have been there for them! Murrue had felt useless these past days knowing that she couldn't do much for Cagalli. But now, everything was going to be okay. Now that Cagalli was back.

Cagalli smiled as she hugged Murrue back. After everything that Cagalli had been through she needed this. She needed to feel safe. Even if it was just for a few moments, Cagalli needed everything to be alright, and Mwu and Murrue alway made her feel safe.

After a moment Cagalli pulled away and looked up at the two. She was glad to be home, however, she couldn't start celebrating just yet. No Cagalli needed to come up with a plan to save Kira, Athrun and the rest. She needed help; she needed Mwu and Murrue's help.

"I...I need to tell you something," Cagalli said. She didn't know how she was going to tell them, or how they would take it but she needed to tell them everything that had happen to her. She was afraid they wouldn't understand; that they would think the pirate's had brainwashed her. But she needed help, and she knew these two loved her and she needed to trust they would stand by her no matter what.

Cagalli broke out of her thoughts as Mwu started talking, "Cagalli, are you okay? What is it?"

Shaking her head Cagalli said, "Kira... one of the pirates... I... he's my brother. I...I don't want to lose him again! Please Mwu, Murrue, you need to do something! You need to stop this! I can't lose him again."

They both stood silent. Cagalli looked up at Mwu then Murrue. She wanted them to say something...anything, but they said nothing.

"Murrue? Mwu? Say something...please," Cagalli said.

Murrue looked down at Cagalli with confusion in her eyes. "Cagalli are you sure? I mean how do you know?"

"It's funny... from the first day I saw him, he always reminded me of my brother. But I didn't want to believe it. But then... one day Kira just remembered..." Cagalli said. She knew it sounded stupid, but that's what happened.

"Cagalli I don't believe this! I mean... maybe he's tricking you. Using your family against you to get what he wants," Mwu said. He was not going to let some dirty pirate play Cagalli like this! No he would not let them do this to her again.

"No! No he's not... he's really my Kira. He remembered everything that happened that day. He remembered our mother, our father. He even remembered leaving me behind. You have to trust me. He's family. I know it," Cagalli said.

Mwu watched Cagalli. He loved her... and as much as he wanted to say something to her about believing this dirty pirate blindly, he knew he couldn't. He knew he needed to trust Cagalli and if she said this pirate was her brother then he would believe her... if not he knew he would lose her. "Okay, we believe you," Mwu said with a sigh.

Mwu looked over at Murrue, and saw the frown before she nodded her head in support. She wasn't sure about this and Mwu felt the same. But they would trust and help Cagalli no matter what. Even though Murrue hadn't said anything, he knew she was with him on this.

Cagalli smiled as she looked up at the two. She knew she could save the Archangel crew. She could do anything with Mwu and Murrue supporting her!

"I need your help... they- the King is going to kill the pirates. That means they're going to kill Kira. Mwu you have to stop him you need to talk him out of this! You can't let him take Kira away from me!" Cagalli said.

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