Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed, or Gundam Seed Destiny

The Archangel:

" Cagalli, now!" She determined.

"NO! What are you going to do about it?" Shine said, staring the Princess down.

"You help her or I swear I'll make your life a living hell." Stella said. She was scared, however she wasn't going to let this brat let Cagalli dead! Cagalli was like a sister to her and she would help Cagalli no matter what.

"You're a Princess right?" she nodded, "Then act like one." Shinn hissed, he pushed her aside but stopped as he felt her hands on his arm stopping him.

"PLEASE! Help her...please!" Stella begged, she didn't want to beg, but she couldn't sit here and watch Cagalli die.

"Fine," he said. Stella smile, maybe he wasn't so bad after all. He turned around to face Stella and then looked at Cagalli on the bed. Then he turned towards Stella again and with a smile on his face. "But I want something in return."

"What?" Stella replied. She didn't like this; the stupid grin on his face was scarier enough. She got a lot of those from the Lord's that her father made her meet.

Stella was too shocked to do anything and found herself in his arms; he had pulled her closer to him. 'But how?' She looked up to give this boy a piece of her mind but was cut off when his lips met hers'.

What was he think? She was the Princess! How dare he do something like this? She wasn't going to let him take her like this. Sure she was a sweet, shy girl that let people push her around. But she knew what she wanted in life and wasn't going to sit quiet and live the life of a sweet princess forever.

She had always been a romantic person. She had the same dreams as most girls. She was waiting for her prince charming to come and save her from her life. She wanted a real handsome man with blue eyes, the colour of the sea, and a smile that could light up a room.

She didn't want a dirty pirate that had black messy hair and ruby red eyes. Where was her prince?

Shinn broke the kiss and looked down at the girl in his arms. She was no fun, she just stood there. It felt like kissing a rock. He looked down and noticed her crying.

'Why the hell is she crying for?' thought Shinn as he stared at her. Fine if she wanted to be a crybaby fine by him. He pushed her away from him and walked over to the bed.

Stella looked up at him, what was he doing now? She didn't want to talk to him. She couldn't.

"Are you going to help me here or not?" he said rudely as he watched her run over with her eyes staring at the ground.

"Here hold this down," he told her and noticed as she pushed the cloth deep into Cagalli's wound that her hands were shacking. This was going to be an awkward time.


The Archangel:

Athrun didn't know what to do. It had happened again. It was just like the last time. It had felt like nothing but evil inside of him. This had only happened once before and that time he was determined to kill Kira. He could still remember that dreadful day.



It was like any other day. They had just landed on Plants. Patrick and Dullindal were still on the ship unload and loading boxes. Athrun was running onto the ship after his mother had told him to go find his father. Kira was back at the house helping Lenore.

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