Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed, or Gundam Seed Destiny

Chapter 11


-Pirate Island-

They were here; finally after many misfortunes they had arrived at Pirate Island. And to celebrate the crew headed to a local pub, well everyone expect Athrun, Nicole, Shinn, and Rau.

Once they landed Athrun left to meet Durandal. He was the first to leave the ship, not wanting to see or talk to any of the crew members. However, he did tell Kira to keep a close eye on the girls before he left. He didn't want anything happening to them when they were so close of completing their mission.

Nicole and Shinn had stayed on the Archangel to make sure everything was stocked before they headed back out. They would meet the others at the pub once they were done.

And Rau... well no one knew where he went. Once Athrun had leave Rav was quick to follow.

So here Cagalli was walking beside Stella as they headed towards the local pub to celebrate. Cagalli been avoiding Kira since they left the ship. She couldn't believe he thought she would leave everything behind and join him... there was no way she was joining these pirate, she couldn't do that... what they did was wrong! She still couldn't believe that Kira would pick Athrun over her.... evil over good! She was anger and wanted nothing from him.

Kira, however won't stop trying to get Cagalli to talk to him and it made things worse when he would come near her... she would just turn away and walk away. Why couldn't he understand that Cagalli wanted nothing to do with him. Thankfully after a few more failed attempts of his Kira had finally given up. That led her to now she was sticking with Stella. Turning her thoughts to Stella, Cagalli knew they needed to do something to get away. Whatever they had been planning would be completed and Cagalli knew it couldn't be good for Stella. Cagalli needed to think fast and save Stella.

Sighing Cagalli frowned, she didn't know what to do anymore. She didn't know what she was going to do with any of this?! Cagalli didn't just have Stella to worry about... she also needed to decide if she was ready to leave Kira behind. He had made it perfectly clear he wasn't t going to follow her... and she knew there was no way she could stay on the ship... would Athrun even let her? He had been trying to get rid of her since the first time they met. Even if he did agree for Kira... would Cagalli be okay with it! Athrun was another problem for her. Cagalli didn't know what was happening to her but every time she was near him she wanted to kiss him, touch him. However, she knew that was wrong and she was suppose to hate him! She needed to be thinking about kicking his ass... not want to kiss him!

Athrun was driving her crazy! she was just feeling like this because he had stolen her first kiss. That was it! That explained it all... now she needed to get that damn Captain out of her thoughts.

Sighing Cagalli looked over at Stella, grabbing her hand Cagalli promised her nothing bad would happen. With that they continued to follow the others in silence.


"Athrun! Welcome back. I see you've done an excellent job," said Gilbert as he gave Athrun a pat on the back.

Athrun smiled, Athrun always saw Gilbert as a real father. Growing up Gilbert had shown Athrun more love than his own father ever had. So every time Athrun did something to please Gilbert it had made Athrun happy. But after what Kira had told him... that he remembered who killed his parents, Athrun couldn't see this made as the same way he use too. Gilbert was holding many secrets and Athrun didn't like it one bit.

"Did you have any problems?" Gilbert asked stepping back and into the room to take a seat. They were in a small room, in Gilbert's place. As Athrun walked in he shot the man in front a quick smile before he followed Gilbert to a empty chair beside Gilbert. Taking a seat Athrun turned to Gilbert again.

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