"Jimin I can't work like this." I chuckle.

"I can't help it. I love you so much that I need to show you as much affection as possible." He says with a smile on his face.

"If you want to show me affection then let go of me and help me cook." I smile back at him.

He lets go of me and follows my instructions on what I want him to do. In a matter of an hour, our food is ready and eaten in no time.

After dinner we just sit in the living room and watch movies, while cuddling of course. We've gotten a lot closer to each other since I got out of the hospital. Jimin was actually happy that I'm an assassin because it means that he doesn't always have to worry about my safety because I can look after myself.

After the second movie I get up from the couch and walk up the stairs to the bedroom. I enter the en suite bathroom and run the bath water. Once the bath is full and covered in bubbles I get in after undressing and relax in the hot water. After a while I hear footsteps enter the bedroom.

"Y/n?" Jimin calls.

"In the bathroom!" I call out while making a bubble beard.

"Can I come in?" He asks after a short silence.

I quickly wipe the beard off my face before rejecting his question like the gangster I am. I'm covered by the bubbles so it's fine if he does come in but it would be weird if he does.

There was a bang on the door after that. I'm assuming that Jimin hit his head on the door because of frustration. Haha!

"Could you go away? It's really awkward knowing that you're right on the other side of the door." I utter feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Sorry I can't do that... I want to be as close to you as possible and talk to you more." My cheeks turn red at his words.

We stay in silence while I play with the water and Jimin remains on the other side.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" He asks breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure yet. It's been getting colder nowadays so maybe I'll just stay in the house and read my books."

Jimin says okay to my answer before adding, "I'm going to bed now. Enjoy the rest of your bath."

After Jimin leaves I stay in the bath for a little while longer before climbing out drying myself with a fluffy towel and wearing a onesie that Jimin bought me for the winter.

I brush my teeth and walk into the bedroom to see Jimin laying in the queen sized bed, snuggled in many fluffy and warm blankets. I get on the side that Jimin left for me and get comfortable.

As I'm getting ready to sleep, Jimin wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. He pulls me so close that I can feel his chest against my back and his warm breath on the back of my neck.

Shivers run down by spine, not out of fear but out of pleasure and nervousness at the idea of his mouth being so close to my neck.

"Good night y/n. I love you." He whispers in my ear sweetly.

"Good night Jimin. I love you too." I whisper back before tiredness took over me and engulfed me in a peaceful slumber.

• • • • • • • • • •

The next morning I woke up early, earlier than Jimin. This has been happening for quite a while. It's almost like we've swapped sleeping habits.

I carefully get out of bed and quietly get ready for my daily morning jog. I make a cup of coffee and have something light to eat before putting on my trainers and jacket and open the front door. I am met with fresh, crisp morning air and frost decorating the wilderness.

Slave to a Vampire  (BTS Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now