31. what's left of us

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After barricading themselves inside a hospital room and realizing that they were all probably going to die that night, the people who weren't so sure of calling themselves superheroes anymore for the thoughts roaming their minds gave themselves a moment of rest.

It was like the war had stopped for a few hours to let both parties mourn their losses before starting once again, but doing that would have been more respectable than what was happening.

Tony, Cecilia – who had finally woken up- and Simon were in one corner of the room, arguing at the top of their lungs while Peter and June were on the opposite side, holding each other with every fiber of their being while they did nothing but look at each other's eyes. After June's statement about giving up every hope of success, Peter had made it upon himself to make her change her mind. After Germany, he had promised himself he would listen to her and understand her motifs before attempting an argument, but this time he was completely intransigent. June was many things, but she wasn't someone who gave up without trying, and she knew that more than he did.

He was holding her crying face between his leather covered hands, eventually wiping tears from her cheeks while he tried to put all the passion he could in his words, so that he could breach into June's impenetrable wall.

"There's always hope, June, you remember that? You taught me that, as well as the fact that we always have a choice, despite of how wrong it is. We can always find a better solution, and this is no different from everything else we've been through before."

"How can you say that?" she exclaimed, widened green eyes piercing into his soul.

"Because we're together. And when I'm with you, I know there's hope."

He knew he had scratched the surface when she stopped crying, her hands raising to meet his own so that their fingers could intertwine.

"I have no idea what to do, Peter," she whispered, the bruise on her cheek becoming more visible as they inched closer.

"Neither do I, but do we ever?" he exclaimed, gaining a small smile from his girlfriend before he crashed his lips onto hers, trying to send her all the safety that she was giving him. He thought he could save entire planets, with her by his side.

They were forced to be distracted from each other when the screams coming from the other three became too loud to be ignored. They stood up, walking over to them and grabbing Tony's arms quickly enough before he launched himself at Simon.

"Tony! What are you doing?!" June exclaimed, looking at him with a shocked expression. She moved in front of him after she made sure Peter had him, and crossed her arms on her chest. "We're no help to each other if we fight within ourselves. You're not included, Cecilia," she added when the doctor opened her mouth to talk.

"You said it yourself, June. There's no hope," Simon muttered, standing still on Cecilia's side. He hadn't moved an inch after the accident with his father, and June feared he was broken beyond repair. Peter knew it too, because he shook his head and let go of Tony.

"We're not monsters, Simon. We're not going to kill them because we don't know how to save them. That's not how it works," she reasoned, untangling her arms that fell limply on her sides.

She expected for him to get mad at her, to start screaming like a madman, giving her reasons that she deep down completely understood, but that she would never accept.

"I can't understand how you feel right now, Simon, I don't have the presumption to lie about it, but I can tell you that the life you'll live if you make the wrong decision right now won't be a life, it will only be survival-"

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