¬Chapter 30. |New chapter.|

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It had been about two weeks since Eric and Belle had sent in their applications.
Eric had talked to his parents about the plans the two had made, and his parents were really proud and excited for the both of them. For that opportunity but they've made it known that they would be supportive no matter what the two decided to do, and no matter what the result was.

But two whole weeks. For some it would seem like a small period of time but for them it felt like a lifetime. Anxiety was killing them.

What if only one of them had gotten in? What if neither of them did? What then? They would be fine, that was much was certain but all their plans at this moment depended on them both getting in and going to college, together.

All those questions in their head and no answer.

"This is frustrating." Eric said as he sighed dropping his head against the pillow on his bed, his gaze moving to glance over at Belle."It's like they're doing this on purpose.. To mess with us. It's like they don't have anything better to do and they're like, let's mess with their emotions a bit." Eric said.

"Relax.. We'll have news.. Soon, hopefully. They just.. They propably had a lot of applications.." Belle said as she tried to calm him down, even though, she was just as nervous and frustrated.

"I'll go check the mailbox.. At least walking there will be better than laying in bed whining all day." Eric said as a soft chuckle escaped his lips, getting off the bed, and walking towards the door but not before leaning to place a soft kiss against Belle's cheek as he smiled, before heading downstairs.

His parents were out at work, possibly. Or so he assumed. He didn't really care at this moment. No offense.

Eric got his shoes on and a jacket, getting his house keys before stepping outside, to go to the mailbox.

Two envelopes were there. Large envelopes. Big ones. Like not the regular ones with bills or family mail.

Could it be?

He didn't want to get his hopes up until he was certain.

He got the envelopes in his hands and the first thing he did was to see who the sender was.


They were the letters. The one they'd been waiting for, for so long.

Eric literally stumbled back inside, slamming the door on his way in, as he walked upstairs.

"Belle.. They came." Eric said as he rushed inside the room, almost out of breath and held the envelope in front of him. He was smiling, but his heart was beating like crazy. He was so nervous.

"We will finally know." Eric whispered, as he handed Belle her own letter, as he took his own and sat on the bed.

Eric held the envelope in front of him, scanning it with his eyes a few times, as he nervously scratched it to open it, taking out the papers that were inside. A few booklets and all, to inform him about the campus and there was the letter.

The letter that would change his life one way or the other.

Eric remained silent as he read it, biting onto his lower lip hard, while reading it, his breathing still fast, since he was nervous still, but his breathing calmed down a bit, by the time he was done reading it.

Looking up to find Belle's gaze, he whispered." I got in.." The voice was almost a whisper, as if he didn't believe what he was saying. He hadn't quite processed it all yet.
"I can't believe that I actually got in.." Eric said as Belle smiled widely towards him.

"I am so happy for you, baby. So happy." Belle said in a warm voice, happiness clear in it, as she leaned closer to press a soft kiss against his lips.

Belle looked down at her own envelope, her heart beating faster, a million thoughts running through her head at the time. The most important one? What if she hadn't gotten in? What would happen then?

She couldn't ask him not to go, she didn't want to hold him back. But knowing Eric? He'd stay behind if she wasn't going with him.

Belle glanced at Eric before scratching her own envelope, slowly taking the papers out of it, as she threw away all the unimportant ones, as her eyes scanned for the important one.

There it was.

Belle took it in her hands and started reading it down.

She took a few seconds to process it, before looking up at Eric, her expressions lightening up as a wide smile formed to her lips, throwing herself on him, as she soon began kissing him again and again.
" We're going to college, baby." Belle said.

Eric looked at her as he wrapped his arms around her tightly kissing her back, as he smiled widely against her lips." Told you we'd make it baby. Told you." Eric said with a warm voice as he smiled at her.

And just like that, the two lovebirds were off to college. To start a new chapter in their lives.

[ So this is the end of the 1st book, thank you so much for your support and love, to this book. We'll be starting the 2nd book soon enough, and it will be about their college life and well.. Many more ;).

Once this chapter reaches 100 votes, the first chapter of the second book will be UP :)

¬Thief of her Heart.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt