¬Chapter 8. |Professional.|

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Isabelle simply felt like she was going crazy. For the last three days, since their first lesson, they met every day, and they'd keep doing so, since Eric had decided that he wanted to take lessons daily. Every day, at 6pm until 8pm, two hours of pure frustration in every single way. She knew nothing but his name, and she couldn't figure him out. The way he looked at her, with lust inside his eyes. The way he bit on his lower lip, or ruffled up his hair when he was feeling uncomfortable, trying to avoid something, or just focus. Licking his lips while staring at her, as if he was able to see inside her soul. The way he got all sweaty, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his shirt, knowing that she'd stare at his body right away. The way his eyes burned through her skull after each stretch, looking at her hungrily, trying to hide it, but failing.

But there were other moments, moments she saw something else. Pain inside his eyes. She was a person who could easily recognize pain, since she had went through pretty much of it herself. She noticed how stressed he got, how uncomfortable he got. How it looked like he always wanted to say something, but ended up holding back. How he got distracted, or too lost into his thoughts. And once again, she kept wondering, if she'd ever figure him out.

She'd never felt this way before. So interested in knowing someone, finding out things about him. Never, and especially not with one of the people she had to teach. Isabelle was always the one to stay professional, no matter how kind, or nice she was to them, of course. But with Eric, everything was different. Everything was slowly turning upside down, and she didn't know if that was bad or not, or if she was eager enough to want to find out.

Today, she had went to work with Rosie, one of her best friends with her, to keep her company until Eric would be there since her previous student had cancelled on the lesson for some personal reasons.

"What are you thinking about?" Rosie spoke, tilting her head to the side as she watched Isabelle carefully, both of them sitting down, on the wooden floor with their backs resting against the big mirror walls. Rosie knew her too good, it wasn't easy to hide from her, but Isabelle shrugged anyway, as if trying to avoid it.

"Come on, Belle. You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Rosie knew everything, since she was the only person Isabelle trusted to let het thoughts out to. She eventually nodded, letting out a sigh.

"I can't get him out of my head, Rosie. I can't figure him out, and it's driving me crazy. He's driving me crazy. I have to be professional, I'm not supposed to think of him, and shit like that, but I fucking can't."

She was frustrated, this was clear, but before Rosie could matter another word, Eric appeared by the door, clearing his throat to make himself noticeable. Isabelle introduced them to each other, since it was their first time meeting.

"Well, I'll be on my way now. You're free tomorrow, right? It's Saturday and all. I'll come pick you up to go shopping, in the morning, get your mind off things since you won't have to work for the whole weekend." Rosie grinned widely as Isabelle nodded in agreement, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

Rosie was gone, and Eric finally took a few steps closer, looking at Isabelle.

"You okay? She said get your mind off things." Eric asked looking at Isabelle, as he bit onto his lower lip. His question was mostly out of concern, but curiosity as well, since Angelica had given him strict orders to find out, everything.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Now.. Up for some dancing?" Isabelle smiled softly and nodded once, turning the music on. How could she not avoid a conversation like this, since what she needed to take her mind off from, was him?

Eric looked at Isabelle, as she tried to assure him that she was all well, which, of course he didn't believe, and the fact that she jumped straight into dancing, made him be sure, that she was not okay." Shouldn't we stretch first?" Eric questioned, as he bit onto his lower lip, his eyes moving up and down her body, before focusing on her eyes." I mean, that's what we always do, first." He added, as he soon shrugged his shoulders." But you're the teacher, you know better than I do." He mumbled, as he walked and took his usual place, behind her, as he waited for her cue.

"No, no, you're right." Isabelle mumbled as she let out a sigh. She was a professional and she certainly wasn't acting as one, that moment. What was happening to her? And why couldn't she get him off her head? " Let's stretch first." Isabelle said, as she bend in front of him, starting to do the exercises, they always did, as she tried to relax herself as well, in the process, and focus on the session, and only that.

Eric nodded at her words, as he kept the proper distance from her, standing behind her, as he watched and followed each move she made, but, also paying close attention to her body,  her ass, and the way she was moving. That was gonna be hard, not only because she was so breathtakingly gorgeous but because she was so nice, and kind. Eric shrugged his thoughts off, as he soon coughed, biting his lower lip." I think, we've done enough streching. We should, dance." Eric mumbled, as he nodded towards her direction, offering her a slight sweet smile.

Isabelle was aware of the looks he was giving her, and his actions, and that was making things harder for her, since it made staying professional so much harder, because it was clear the tension and the attraction wasn't one sided. Isabelle nodded at his words, before walking to turn the stereo on, as the music started playing, Belle at first showing Eric the steps, but soon enough, getting lost in it, as Eric took a few steps back, leaning against the wall, as he watched her, remaining silent. It seemed like she needed it, and he did not want to disturb her, plus it was quite amazing to watch. How her body moved, how at peace she looked, how passionate she was about it.

As the time, passed and it was almost time, for the lesson to be finished, Eric walked towards the stereo, as he shut it off, Isabelle stopping quickly as she looked at him." I'm so so sorry." Isabelle mumbled as she ruffled her hair akwardly." I'll make it up to you. Another lesson, for free." Isabelle said as she bit on her lower lip nervously, Eric soon shaking his head." No need, it's alright. It seemed like you needed that.." He mumbled.

Soon, Eric started making his way towards his gym bag, and stuff as he picked it up, and he turned to look towards her." I'll see you Monday, and try to get your mind off things, like your friend suggested." He said with a smile, as he nodded." Have a good weekend... Belle." He said before walking outside of the dance studio, as Isabelle remained inside to look at him, as she sighed. How would she get her mind off things? She could not, even if she tried. There was just something about him. Something that made her not to be able to stop thinking about him.

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