¬Chapter 14. |The Blue Dress.|

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Once Rosie was done with shopping, Belle hugged her goodbye, letting her go back home by herself, claiming that she had a few more things to do. Biting onto her lower lip, she walked towards the blue dress, her fingertips reaching out to touch the fabric, slowly. It really was beautiful. As gently as she could, she picked it up, walking towards the front desk.

"Hello." Belle smiled kindly, the young woman behind the desk doing so as well.

"This is a present, so I'd like to cut off the price, please.. And it would be amazing if you could put it in a box or something, so it doesn't get ruined." Belle explained, smiling softly. The young woman named Bethany did as she was said, carefully folding the dress into a white box, closing it, and decorating it with an electric blue bow, which made it look even more beautiful. Onto the bow, she attached a little card, which Belle wrote on.

-Please take this. Consider this a thank you, for being there for me. And a try of mine to make your precious mother smile.- She didn't even mention her name, knowing that Eric would easily understand this was coming from Belle. She couldn't resist to do this. After all, if she couldn't do things like this for her own mother, she could do it for someone else's. She knew it would make both her and Eric happy, and that's all she wanted. After leaving the shop, she made sure the box was delivered to the right house, after she got his address from the dance studio, from the papers he had filled since the start.

Going back home, Belle took a relaxing shower, and changed into her pyjamas, crawling up on her bed, snuggling under the covers, with a movie playing on her laptop. It was time to relax.

Eric, on the other hand, was the one who opened the door and got the box, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Only by reading the card, Eric knew what was inside the box, and who it was from. A smile appeared against his lips, as his thumb caressed the card, and he bit on his lower lip, calling out for his mother, who walked downstairs, and untied the bow, opening the box. Her eyes widened, instantly lighting up and filling with happiness, her smile one of the most wide and bright ones ever. She hugged Eric tightly, kissing all over his face, thanking him over and over again before hugging the dress, holding it close to her chest. Eric soon explained who it was from, and this caused his mother to melt even more on the inside. Kissing her cheek goodnight, Eric made his way upstairs, and into his room. After showering and changing into his pyjamas, he laid down and got his phone, texting Belle.

-I can't thank you enough. I've never seen her so happy and bright before.. Thank you, Belle.- Belle got his text, smiling as she read it a few times, before replying.

-There's nothing to thank me for. This was my goal, and I'm glad I've succeeded. Goodnight, Eric.-

-Sweet dreams.- Eric replied, setting his phone next to him, Belle doing so as well. Soon enough, they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces, not able to stop thinking about each other. Their feelings were growing, and none of them knew if this was good, or bad.

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