¬Chapter 9. |Misunderstanding.|

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Once outside of the building and on his way home, Eric called Angelica, as he patiently waited for her to pick up.

" It's me. I just finished my session." Eric whispered as he nodded, walking slowly." She doesn't have plans. Except of shopping with her best friend." Eric said leaving out the part of Belle not being okay and having things to think about.

" Yeah, I'll figure out where they will go and be there as well. Yes, I'll keep you updated, fully. Good night." Eric said as he hang up and let out a sigh. He soon arrived at his house, and sat to have dinner with his family, catching up about their days, as Eric soon went upstairs to his room, and upon showering, he fell asleep.

Isabelle, remained to the dance studio for a while longer after Eric was gone as she was trying to keep herself from going crazy, as she danced to relax herself before finally leaving and making her way to her house, as she took a long relaxing bath before falling asleep.

The next morning, Belle was waken up by the sound of her phone going off. It was Rosie. Belle rubbed her eyes sleepily as she reached for the phone picking it up.

" Hello?" Belle said as Rosie's voice was heard from the other line." Okay, okay. I'll get ready and meet you there." Belle said as she hang up and sighed, before finally climbing off bed. After taking a shower, and getting dressed, she ditched breakfast and drove to town, at Street, the coffee shop she was meeting Rosie at. And there she was. After Belle greeted Rosie, they sat down and started talking.

Mostly about Eric, since Rosie knew something was up, and Belle needed to admit it and figure out what to do. Soon though something caught Belles attention across the street from them. It was Eric. As Belle was about to wave at him, she noticed, that he was not on his own. He was with a girl. A girl? Could it be his girlfriend? Well, it certainly seemed like the two were close, very close.

Rosie followed Belle's gaze and bit her lower lip as she turned to look at Belle.

" Are you okay?" She asked as Belle turned to look at Rosie, nodding.

" Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked as she sighed biting her lower lip. This had really hurt her.

" I wanna go home. I'm not feeling well." Belle mumbled as she stood up from the table and started walking before Rosie could say anything as she simply followed her.

Eric's gaze soon spotted Belle, who was walking away from where he was as he looked at her with a sigh before turning to look at Claire, who was his cousin and was in the city briefly, and Eric was showing her around.

For the rest of the day, though, and Sunday as well, Belle had stayed home, getting lost into her thoughts. She couldn't be sure, but it looked like it. Eric had a girlfriend. Why wouldn't he? He was handsome, he was.. Well, he was a lot of things. And in Belle's mind, it worked this way. Why would he turn to look at her, a damaged girl, even if he knew nothing about her, when he could have any girl he wanted?

All those thoughts were too much for her, and she wasn't too good at hiding her feelings, or managing to control her facial expressions when something was bothering her. Unfortunately, Eric was good at understanding when something was wrong, which was why Belle decided to cancel Monday's lesson with a simple text, telling him that she was sick, and they'd meet normally on Tuesday and also complete the lost time of the lesson they'd miss.

Even though Eric thought it was weird, he didn't think of it too much, and replied with a simple okay, wishing her to feel better soon. What made him question her reason though, was the fact that he saw her the next morning, by actually standing behind her in line into the Supermarket, since he was there to buy a few things for his mother. While they were waiting, Eric arched an eyebrow, tapping on her shoulder, as Belle turned to face him, slightly widening her eyes.

"Thought you were sick?" Eric mumbled

"Yeah, I.. Well, I'm better today but I wouldn't want to not be able to teach you properly or something." Belle shrugged, knowing this was a cheap excuse, but she didn't care.

"Why do I think, or feel like you're lying?" Eric mumbled, biting on his lower lip.

Belle sighed, slightly annoyed, as she shook her head. She ignored him, until her turn came. Paying for her things, she got the bag, turning towards him.

"It shouldn't be any of your business. Not in a rude way, but like, nothing to worry about. Have a nice day. Whatever you do, with.. Well, whoever you're." Belle smiled in a slightly ironic way, walking away.

Eric simply stood there, furrowing his eyebrows, as realization simply hit him, everything coming back to him. Was she jealous?

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