¬Chapter 21. |The Plan.|

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It had been one week since their last encounter, and even though everything that was happening was for the best, that did not mean that it was not hard.

Belle, had been off to Australia only for few days now, and she was finding it rather hard to settle in, even though she knew she had to. Plus, her uncle was doing his best to make her feel welcome and make everything feel peaceful, and welcoming. Belle, did not feel like going outside, she did not feel like doing anything for that matter, other than staying inside her room, the one her uncle had kindly provided her with, and just sleep, think, or listen to music, and drown out her thoughts.

Mostly the thinking part, though. Eric never left her mind, he consumed each and every one of her thoughts. Some were good ones, as they included him, his heroism, and how he was willing to sacrifice himself, and his loved ones, just to protect her. Their first and last kiss, both filled with so many emotions, and so much passion. Their moments together at the dance studio, where each one of them checked each other out, caused a smile to forme on her lips, followed by a lip bite. Sad thoughts, about him, too. They consumed her mind as well, but she tried to shake them off and focus on all the good times, and give herself the hope, she so strongly needed. The hope, that he would figure out a way, and that she would be back, back to him, back to them being finally together. So they would get a proper chance. A well deserved chance. As much as it hurt her, that she was so far away from him, with no contact with him, and being worried sick about him, the slightest glimpse of hope of her returning back, kept her strong.

Eric, was finding things quite hard for himself, not only the missing Belle part and being worried sick about how she was, but also the figuring out a way to get them both out of this mess for good, part. He had many ideas, most of them were dangerous, but that was a risk he was certainly willing to take. He spent most of his time at home, with his parents or at his room, coming up with a plan. Any kind of plan.

Then suddenly, one day, it all came at him. He remembered of a time, when another gang member, the one who actually ruled the gang, was in trouble, almost ready to get killed by another. Eric was just his teenage self back then, not even involved in all the things he was now yet. He just happened to pass by that alley, and without even realizing, saving that man's life, only because he tripped, and distracted the other guy who was ready to shoot him, with the result of the one on the ground grabbing the chance to hit him, and survive. Since then, he and Eric had remained friends. His name was Kol, and he always used to talk about how he owed Eric his life, how he wanted to protect him, which was why he never agreed to his decision of joining a gang, even though he had his reasons.

Now, he could finally give the chance to Kol, to pay him back. Kol could be the one to help him. Kol could be the one to help him gather every single information up, including everything he knew, about Angelica and her gang, give them in to the police, and clean Eric's name up. Get him out of all this mess, give him the chance to live a normal life. He knew that Kol could do it. He knew it because he wasn't only the one ruling a gang, but he was also a good man. He had even worked with the police before, undercover. They all knew who he was, and no one said no to him. Kol was his chance. His one, and only chance.

And that was why, he didn't let any more time pass, and called him right away. They met up, and Eric did not hesitate opening up to him, and telling him everything that had happened, not missing any details. And eventually, Kol agreed to help him do this. Now, he really had a chance. He had hope, and he'd do everything in his power to keep his promise to Belle, and succeed with their big plan for when the day would come, no matter how long it takes, or what it takes.

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