Chapter 37: What's Going On?

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Maine woke up feeling a bit weird. She felt drawn to the soothing low humming above her head.

A feeling of happiness... uh, no... contentment, yes that's it. Contentment filed her from within. She sighed. Maybe its because she's now with Richard.

"Now where is that guy? I'm famished..."

Smiling she she suddenly got up but immediately lied back down because the room spun like crazy.

"What the... have I been asleep long? Darn! I feel weird."

Richard suddenly appeared like a mirage beside her which surprised her enough to emit a shrill scream...

"Iiiiaaaah! Damnnit Richard! Don't you go creeping me up like that."

She hit him several times on the chest with her fist...

"You almost scared me to death!!!"

"I figured you would be hungry so I bought some food."

He smiled as he held out the package containg her food
He bought her some pasta since he saw before that she loved them. Surprisingly, she looked at it in disgust. And gagged.

"Yuck! That smell... garlic... ewwww!" And she gagged again.

"Get it away from me!"

Richard rushed to take the offending food away from Maine while weaving a cleansing spell for the air inside the chamber.

Confused as to why Maine was behaving in such a way, he searched some of his files on his mission on his crystal.

"Oh, yes. Liana was pregnant when I handled her case."

Pulling out the memory, he saw that pregnant humans are sensitive to smell...

Could it be? Is she really having my child/children? His heart pounded. He is scared beyond belief but elated if could see the fruit of their love...

He smiled whimsically, he should offer a peace offering for making her sick.

He conjured up a blood red rose...

"Just like before..." Then kissed the bud, making sure the smell i not too strong for Maine.

Suddenly, he felt a low humming...

"Something's wrong..."

Rushing inside the chamber, he suddenly stopped...


His heart pounded like a runaway drum at what he saw.

Which dried up his tongue and he couldn't talk...

Maine sat atop his resting pad. Legs crossed indian style.

That's not what surprised him..

Crystal atop his headboard was glowing...

Maine surrounded by strong aura, hair flying, as if blown by the wind while few inches afloat his pad.

With eyes blazing blue fire...

Frozen in panic, he stared at Maine..

What in the name of the Elders had happened while he was gone????



Hello guys!

Sorry for the late update...

Yeah, I know... I know... I'm an erratic writer... No definite schedule to speak of.

It may sound like an excuse but I was really busy... (hahaha, lahat naman tayo di ba?)

Anyway, DOR is almost at its climax...

(Darn it! Its about time... 😂😂😂)

And I'm going to start a short story about a similar character Alden played in the EB lenten presentation this 2017.

I do hope you will support it as much as you supported DOR...

Thanks dear readers!!!

Labyu all 😙😙😙


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