Chapter 36: Thoughts of a Confused Mind

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The sound of feet pacing and the swishing of clothes could be heard echoing at the great crystal chamber. Even the harsh breathing and occational sigh of a frustrated dreamwalker could be heard by a passerby.

It was eerily quiet on the passage halls. As if even the walls are in anticipation of  the next happenings.

He came here to think, but he couldn't even organize his thoughts. Perplexed, he wasn't even aware of the things that are happening or even the possibility of the things happening even exist.


His mind is a swirling mess...

Amidst of that chaos, at least he was not stupid as to forget Maine's protection again.


My love...

My soulmate...

Is it possible???

I sensed power...

Great but dormant...

How? Why?

And another thing he was afraid of...

He felt not one source of power...

But three...

One bright as the sun...


two twinkled like stars...

All of them strong but dormant... As if waiting for a spark for them to blaze like fire...

The source, he doesn't even understand...

Was it placed in Maine? Was she possessed?

But the power wasn't even evil. It was pure... But how? Maine is a defenseless human, isn't she? So how could this possibly be happening...

The most important thing he was afraid of...

The possibility of having twins...

It was unheard-of. Because one child would drain it's mother while inside her, but two? They wouldn't even survive the gestation period which in human time would be around ten months. They would feed on each other's energy and fade. And the mother would die...

Raejild felt like he crushed under a great weight. On top of that Revenants would want Maine. If she was really pregnant with twins, it will be like laying out a feast for hundreds of starving beasts...

He slumped on the floor and placed his head on his hands, pulling his hair in frustration...

Oh, the Higher Being that created us, help me! What should I do???



What do you think?

Was it a trap? Was it really Maine who has powers?

The possibility of twins? But the greater risk of Maine dying has doubled...

What if that "anomaly" that drained Maine placed a trap?



Or both? They had connived before...

Comment your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you. And don't forget to vote...

Labyu my dear readers!😘😘😘


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