Chapter 14: Distance

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Maine got through breakfast somehow and went outside to walk by the beach.

I need to clear my thoughts.

Walking at the beach with the breeze blowing her hair and the cool sand between her toes she can easily dismiss her fears towards Richard.

Of course I trust him, he's always there to help me when I'm feeling unhappy or scared.

But why wasn't he there this morning when you were shaking in fear because of your "bloodied" hand?, a small voice whispered in her head.

Maybe it was him who placed that rose... the little voice continued...

Maine shook her head in disgust, and combed her hair with her hands in frustration. Fears returning in full blast.

"STOP IT!!!!!" She yelled.

"Stop what???"

Maine's eyes darted in fear. Her feet ready to take off and run. Then she saw Richard walking towards her with a smile, she froze in terror.

Richard was so tired, energy almost depleted because of a difficult mission but he had to see Maine. She was crying and he had to know what happened. He was so worried that he couldn't concentrate and made his tasks much more difficult than it really is. 

As he was walking towards her, he heard her yell so he had to make his presence known. But when she looked at him with terror in her eyes, he knew something is wrong. Weaving a calming spell for Maine, he stopped when Maine yelled at him.

"No sorcery!"


Puzzled he stopped walking towards her and tried to calm her.

"My Love, its just me, Richard. Can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked as calmly as he could.

"You! You are what's wrong. Who are you? Really?" Confusing thoughts keep churning aound her mind threatening to overcome her but she tried to organize those thought despite of the numbing fear she's feeling.

"Just.... just stay there for now...And I had to know,  Am I asleep?" Maine took a deep breath trying to compose herself and still her shaking hands.

"No, Love, I am real, I am here. I can't even give you dreams right now even if I wanted to because I'm so exhausted. I just came to see if you were fine. I sensed fear and turmoil this early morning but I was summoned. I was so worried, I couldn't even concentrate with my mission that's why the task took so long and drained me so much." 

Richard was trying his damnest to explain but still could see the doubt/fear in her eyes. What had caused that? He tried gleaning her thoughts but he became dizzy and swayed with exhausion.

I can't do it. Too tired. Richard thought.

Maine wanted to believe, she needed to... but why does this feeling of doubt refuse to leave her. She needed to know...

She saw him wavering so she stood her ground and asked,

"W-were you the o-one who left me the r-rose last night?

Richard was confused, he always leaves a rose behind so why would she fear that?

"My Love, why-"

"Just answer me! Were you the one who left me a bloodred rose last night?" Maine asked with a firm determination in her eyes despite the blooming fear in her heart.

Warily eyeing Maine he answered:

"Yes, but-..."

"So it was you..." Maine was now again shaking in fear with tears in her eyes, a closed fist pressed to her mouth, slowly backing away.

"Maine, my Love..." Richard tried to reach out to her, hand extended.

"NO!!! Don't come near, don't touch me... stay away!" She stumbled on the sand but hurriedly got up.

"I said stay away!" She yelled as she saw Richard trying to come to her aid.

Her bloodied hand holding the rose flashed in her mind once again, creating fears anew, so she ran towards the house trying to escape the dreamwalker who is the source of her fears

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Her bloodied hand holding the rose flashed in her mind once again, creating fears anew, so she ran towards the house trying to escape the dreamwalker who is the source of her fears.

Richard sat down on the sands, too tired to follow. Until he could come back to his chamber, he won't be able to find out what is wrong. Combing his hand on his hair in frustration, he pulled out his crystal to go back to his chamber.

Upon flashing in directly to his resting pad, he quickly fell asleep because of energy depletion. Maine's fearful expression following him in his unconcious state.

In his depleted state he wasn't aware that someone was following him and watching his every move. That someone smiled while looking at Richard's unconcious state.

"The seeds of doubt are planted. Now we have to wait for it to bear fruit."

The dreamwalker nodded satisfactorily and flashed out of Richard's chamber with an evil smile.


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