Chapter 11: Raejild and Nnaeluj

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Author's note:

There is a bit of a little funny thing hidden in this chapter, the first 3 person to guess could give a prompt on what will happen to the next few chapters...

Enjoy guessing...
Thanks for the votes and comments.
Please do let me know what you think of the story, I enjoy reading your reactions 😊



Richard tucked a strand of hair behind Maine's ear as she slept. They never did talk for more than a few minutes before she fell asleep. He smiled at the beautiful and peaceful face in front of him. He could do this all night, watching her sleep, when he noticed a warmth near the vicinity of his chest. He pulled the chain with a crystal that hung on his neck, it was glowing. He muttered a few choice curses as he gently disentangled himself from Maine's arms. He kissed her forehead and tucked the blankets around her weaving a peaceful dream for her.

"I'll be back my Love." He whispered. With a slight wave of his hand, he conjured a single bloodred rose and placed it beside her.

He is being summoned. As much as he wanted to stay by her side, he needed to obey...  Reluctantly he placed the crystal between his palms as if in prayer, he closed his eyes and transported himself to his crystal chamber. He was surprised to find someone waiting for him in it. She was looking at his monitoring crystals.

"So, who is that girl? You were supposed to be here, one of the elders told me you concluded your mission on the sick old woman "

The woman talking was tall and has a fair complexion. She has this arrogant aura around her that irritates Richard.

"You don't need to know who that girls is. What I do in my free time is my own business. And the sick woman's name was Antonia, be courteous enough to use it, and yes, she already passed on to the next world."

Flicking the curtains closed first on his monitoring crystals before he faced her.

"What are you doing in my chamber, Nnaeluj?"


Nnaeluj went near him and tried to touch his chest but Richard avoided it. He shudders to think Nnaeluj touching him, he just don't like her touch. 

"I went to the elders to give my pettition again. I asked them to perform the ritual of the joining of souls to us... And they asked me if you changed your mind... oh, Raejild, Please give your consent. I really want to be the other half of your soul." Nnaeluj pleaded.

Exasperated with Nnaeluj's persistence, he sighed. Yes they took their Dreamwalker's training together and had to be with her every single day when they were young but he never liked her. She's arrogant and selfish.

"I already told you and the elders my answer the first and second time. And its still NO."

He's getting tired of this topic. It seems she's trying to get him to agree to the ritual by being too persistent.

"Nnaeluj, we were just co-trainees. I had to be with you back then, nothing special about it. Now that we are full pledged Dreamwalkers, we go on our separate ways. I explained my side to the elders and they agree with me, I could never be able to join souls with you because we can't even agree on small things. It is not meant to be like that. Being joined in one soul, those 2 persons should be in sync and in harmony. I apologize for being blunt but I do not even like you."

Richard was tired of being too nice to her, maybe being rude would help her understand.

Nnaeluj's face became red, "Is it because of that girl?"

She spat the word "girl" with fierceness laced with venom while pointing at the curtain covered monitor.

"She's just an ordinary human, no abilities like us. She just a lame and weak human, Raejild.  She's powerless against me."

Richard was alarmed with what Nnaeluj has implied but he dare not show his weakness.

"Nnaeluj, She is a special girl. She may not be one of my appointed missions from the elders but she is sick. She needs my help. Don't you dare compromise my work."

He took out his Dreamwalker's crystal and said "it is our sworn duty to help ease pain, heal and teach or learn. We will not cause harm. You need to go now Nnaeluj, I have to recharge my energy and prepare for my next mission."

Nnaeluj eyed him with resentful eyes.

I'll find a way to get that girl and I will have you for myself in the end.

She flashed herself out of his chamber.

Richard sighed in relief. He weaved a complicated protection for his chamber. He should have known Nnaeluj wouldnt honor the privacy code. He shook his head.

Raejild... he hasn't been called that for a long time. Father gave that name to him. He was also a dreamwalker. He remembered his father's stories about how he met Raejild's human mother, how he loved her and how half of his soul died with her after giving birth to Raejild, how eventually he deteriorated and faded with no hopes of revival because he gave up on life. 

"Am I destined to be like my father? Loving an ordinary human girl?" He went to a small urn and took out a blackened crystal.

Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered his Father saying:

"I never regretted being with your mother, she is the love of my life, the other half of my whole. But Raejild,  try not to love a human without our abilities. And never try to have children with them, your mother suffered the consequences of my foolishness. Having children with ordinary humans without our ability is risky to both their physical and mental state. But we never regretted having you, my son. Your mother and I love you so much because you are the ofspring of our love. Its just that no good things happen when we fall in love with an ordinary human. Most of us end up with umbearable heartaches and pain"

Richard sat on his bed clutching the blackened crystal to his chest.

"Oh Father, what should I do? its too late... I already love her..."


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